Age: 17
Belt 2nd DanBlack belt:
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? : skilled
Why do you want to join us and not another clan? Cause hunter is a good name and i wear hunter items, bw i have a disease with the word Hunter in it, so i fit this clan:
Are you recommended by one of our members ?None :
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to follow them if accepted ? As you wish
Favorite/Best Official Mod:Wushu/Aikido and Mushu
Special skills: i use Run.tbh moves in wushu mod,
Examples of that skill Kicking, and punch blocking:
Previous Clans: Omega and Kitteh
Favorite Forum: Art

Level of forum activity: Everday
Lush : No. Replays were really crappy and you don't know where you live? O_o
Bakugan : No. Hunters being a good name just isn't reason enough. You didn't fill in the entire app and you didn't post any replays. Judging by that poor app and your name I doubt that you are 17.
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
Lush : No. Replays were really crappy and you don't know where you live? O_o
Bakugan : No. Hunters being a good name just isn't reason enough. You didn't fill in the entire app and you didn't post any replays. Judging by that poor app and your name I doubt that you are 17.

those are like the only replays i have... and i said IM not allowed to tell my location xD
Originally Posted by Lushsmoke View Post
Location:im too young to tell my location

I thought you meant you wheren't old enough to know xd
@bakugan: definitely no. You picked us by the name, most probably lied your age (or just have horrible grammar), couldn't fill the app properly etc.

@lush: You seem like a nice fella etc. But I have to say no because your playing is way too stiff (at least in those replays) But I wouldn't mind you applying again when you've learned to play more relaxed and not so stiff
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
@Bakugan No from me as well. You say you are on the forums everyday, yet you only have 13 posts? Also, I can't really say that I believe that you are 17 years old. Your English, excuse my language, is horrendous.

Plus, it's not a great idea to pick a clan to try and join solely on name alone, there are so many factors that you need to consider before even thinking of posting an application.

I suggest spending more time on the forums so you can mature and learn from some distinguished members on how to post an application/any message with decent grammar.

Age: 16
Belt (Minimum is black): Merh... I'm a blue belt. Rank (Currently) 315
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? : I'm pretty happy, but I am not one to brag
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth): Well... I simply started playing with Oopyuman and others from this clan, and they all seems really nice guys. So I'm just trying to fit in
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : I don't remember the name, but they said I may be too low of belt, but I can at least try... So here I am! ^_^
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to follow them if accepted ? : I have stopped mid application, and fully read through them all, and I agree with them.
Favorite/Best Official Mod: Aikido, AikidoBigDojo and KickBox.
Special skills: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making.Can include any skills outside it): I have a small art skill, but I am not that great at it. Also I love to run, cross-country and such.
Examples of that skill(if applicable, at least 2 would be nice):

I'm unable to give any other example as they are stuck on my broken laptop.
Previous Clans(if any): None
Favorite Forum(if any): This?
Toribash organizations Affiliated With(if any): Also none.
Do you have an alternate account, and if so, what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) : No, I tend to forget my old accounts after getting to blue belt, but I really love the name of my current one, so I'm going to give it all I am able to get it further.
Location: The UK
Level of forum activity(Important!): I'm very active in game, but I normally don't have a reason to be active on the forum, but I suppose if manage to make it into the clan, I could have a look around~
Number of Infractions: None.
Attached Files
MadHatter - Husk.rpl (187.9 KB, 10 views)
flip over.rpl (54.7 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Huskai; Jul 27, 2012 at 08:03 PM. Reason: Added replays
The single player player replay is awesome! I like the application, I'd say yes, but it's the other's decision to accept your application
Last edited by Sluup; Jul 27, 2012 at 08:38 PM. Reason: I said something wrong