i know its not the best ... or even a good sparring but while playing i learn more and more how to stand the whole time.
what do you think about it ?
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0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Request: Teacher Membership
Name: S81ha19
Country: United Kingdom, England.
Languages (Must be fluent in them): English only.
2 Replays of your spars: Yes sir!
I know these ones kinda fail, but I think I am a bit better now ;).
Another replay, soz, Obazu was messin' around a bit.
Attached Files
Spar with Obazu 1.rpl (850.4 KB, 7 views)
Spar with Tessh.rpl (846.7 KB, 6 views)
Spar with Obazu 2.rpl (555.5 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by S81ha19; Nov 30, 2011 at 09:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
RSO Teacher|Hunters| ThePitcher ~ 2pro4you ~ Jisse ~ Vsauce ~ Fantyful ~ Tamakku ~ Love and hate you all, guys :).
I say yes. He's a good guy, and, by the look of his replays, he has a bit of experience, but he still needs a bit of tweaking. ;]
Yeah, i did like the replays You could work on keeping your joints limp for flow but hey, if your style works for you, don't change it
I say Maybe, ill need to see what Tamakuu thinks
Proud co-leader of [iCoF]
OLDA Moderated Message:
Yet again, another yes. Welcome to the org S8.

I'm gunna slow down on the recruiting just a bit.
the goblin
Thank you, I will value this organisation very much. So where do I start?
RSO Teacher|Hunters| ThePitcher ~ 2pro4you ~ Jisse ~ Vsauce ~ Fantyful ~ Tamakku ~ Love and hate you all, guys :).
The punches and the kicks are just amazing. But the best part was your last move, when you through Ico0n away! Just amazing Swex. We need to meet ingame tomorrow. What do you say about 17.00 - 21.00?

Btw, 10/10