Don't let Krieg become the sole green guy anymore.
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
hey this official clan has wizard as a member, how long yo think this one will last :)))

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
it would last longer without your posts.
Last edited by Trice; May 18, 2018 at 06:06 AM. Reason: "do it" -Typhon 2018
I'm the Event Squad Admin. I am also an ex-Clan Squad member. Have any questions about clans or otherwise? PM me.


Discord: Typhus#0201
splish splash Aeon is still trash
So far got most of my PC parts picked out, i'm saving on the case since I can use my same one. Next month i'll have enough to purchase it!
Also curious about the parts, if its AMD based I'll have no idea what your talking about. #Intel4lyfe
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure
Thanks, Glad to be here
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure