Okay sure i'll be there.
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff
Here's my unfnished spar with Deadlybash until he pinged. ._.

P.S. I edited the spar so there would be less frames and I atleast have a pose.
Attached Files
D3_Deadlybash_3.rpl (212.6 KB, 9 views)
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
Nice spar there Ken. Did a good job with realism, even though it was an edit :].

And welcome back zero ^^. Also, Awwww shit D:. You joined SyN :c.

Thanks. I'm gonna make a new sparring replay with uke soon.

Edit: Nice spar D3. I'm jealous of your realism,running, and flips... Can you teach me or give me tips on how to run like that and keep balance and do flips while fighting?
Last edited by KenGee; Dec 2, 2011 at 04:43 AM.
Well, to keep balance, try to use all of your body parts. Lowering or raising your arms could help a little, but don't make it look spastastic. Your glutes can help you greatly in balance. Also, don't forget about your lumbar, it's a little uneasy to get used to using, but you'll find it useful when staying on your feet.

Now, here's a little test with my new "knee" type of spins. This wasn't meant for realism at all, only style.
Attached Files
D3 - R - Evolution.rpl (131.7 KB, 14 views)
Is a twitchy style but knee spins are always fun, im a realism person myself,but i like everything.
7/10 great job
Proud co-leader of [iCoF]
OLDA Moderated Message:

nice that was pretty fun but it also looked pretty realistic to..

all I can say is nice....
I have items you have TC- Lets Haggle..... |TMA|PSY|TNT|AU|