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Clan League 2017 [FINALS!]

Prepare yourself for another year of thrilling fights and broken dreams!
For the last year Parrot has been ruling the event scene with an Iron fist, only one question is to be asked: will your clan be the one to strip Parrot of their reign? Or will we continue to live under the omnipresent shadow of their wings?

At the day Clan League starts your clan must be at least two months old to be allowed to compete, additionally you must have a minimum of 5 active members as you must include a minimum of 5 People into your clans roster.
Only members on this provided roster may compete for their clan and the roster can't be edited after the League started.*
On top of that it is forbidden to participate for more than one clan with alternative acccounts.
If a match isn't arranged between two clans, both will be disqualified. If one clan however can prove that they actively attempted to set up a match and the other clan didn't, the former may be announced as winner.
Along with the results of your matches, please post a list of games played including both participants, the winner and replays in this thread.

*No player may play more than 4 games in any round and no player may play more than 2 games in any mod.

To join the Clan League simply fill out the following application form and send 5k to MagicalSack:
Full clan name:
Age of the clan:
Average GMT:
Confirmation that you've sent the entry fee

Clan League 2017 Bracket

(click this if the image doesn't work)


This is due to the release of the Fantasy Clan League event that was posted last night; feel free to sign up for it (even if your clan is playing in clan league(!))!

This year we will be running SINGLE Elimination, meaning you will have the unique chance of getting your ass kicked ONCE! One shots all that you got this year!

Semifinals started!
Bonus mod for this round is rb_greykido.tbm
You have time till 3rd August.
If you fail to get things done by that time, it will result in a DQ!

Trophy item
Custom 3d item
Badge under clan's name in clanboards
One item of choice from those available in the shop
* ***
TP and VIP***
10ST*** and 250K TC

One item of choice from those available in the shop
* ***
5ST*** and 125K TC

One item of choice from those available in the shop
** ***
3 ST*** and 75K TC

* with exception of subscriptions, collector items and packs
**with exception of subscriptions, collector items, packs, elite tier items and misc textures

***These will only be awarded to members that played atleast three matches in the clan league!

There will be multiple mods each round and every round is going to be the best of 5 mods including the bonus mod. There will be a minimum of 4 players, with a max of 4 games played per round. Spectators of your clan are allowed to watch. No player may play more than two games in a single mod.The clan war is to be finished within a week from the start of the round, if not, the win will go to the clan showing the most effort to set up a match.
If a match isn't arranged between the two clans both are disqualified from the competition. No exceptions.

Each round will be played in these 4 mods:

Additionally there will be a Bonus mod from the following list :

The IRC channel used last year is to be used again. We advise you use it to set up matches and discussing anything ingame related. To join it click here: #events

Currently signed-up clans :

All Stars
The Sk8r Club
The Last Legion
Creamy Horse Mouths
Last edited by rickie; Jul 28, 2017 at 08:53 AM. Reason: Semi-Finals

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
The score is 6-6 atm, the last matches will be played tomorrow

I was told it was 6-5 to us?
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
We played one today, it's now 6-6 Moop
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
how the fuck did chiv make it to the 3rd place matches lmao

I understand it's surprising to you.
But what's so funny to laugh about?
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
Chivalry might be a really small clan but it has unique members. So we're proud of having a simple but strong clan.

Anyways, whens the finals starting?
Heading down south to the land of the pines
Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
how the fuck did chiv make it to the 3rd place matches lmao

I have a few guesses!

First of all, Toribash had more inactivity during this summer than expected. Usually around mid spring, we get the same threads "Is Toribash dying?" in the elerk boards, and the answer is a resounding NO as soon as summer hits and everyone gets out from school. But we didn't see the large rebound we usually do this time around. So for 1, smaller player base.

Second, the major power houses of this event really didn't show up. And the middle league guys really didn't either. Usually there's like, 4 teams who show up and you can't know for sure who's going to win Clan League. This year, there really is only one team that is heads and shoulders above everyone else. Now, it's a first to 8, single elimination, and it's Toribash, so of course anything can happen, but even so, usually there's around 3 teams who could all pretty much beat one another interchangeably. Last year, Parrot was pretty above and beyond any of the competition, and it wasn't too close. This year, Alpha did exactly what Parrot did last year with recruitment and they are where Parrot was, pretty much untouchable without strokes of luck. Relax All, a clan league champion team and powerhouse, Obey, a team that consistently does well in Clan League, NO, a clan who was 1 aikido match away from being clan league champions and otherwise did great with the Rai+Mwah core all didn't show up. Nitro, a middle-tier competitor, dropped out from competition round 1. WAPOW imploded and wasn't a middle-tier threat like they normally are. And TGS, ordinarily a huge powerhouse, clearly has moved on with their lived in their new clan CREAM and lost prematurely.

Third - format. Single player elimination increases luck. Aether has a few really strong carried, and have a coinflip 50-50 chance of beating Parrot and going to the finals, so they aren't weak. But there's clans who got eliminated too early that definitely would put up a good fight if given a second chance to organize. I mean clans like Elite could've done better for sure, if even for their own hyper-carry player.

But yeah, that's not to take away from anything. I hope Parrot goes to the finals, and I hope we pull off some crazy miracle. But if Aether wins, they deserve it and I hope they play well too. Clan League has always been my favorite part of Toribash in-game. I love judofrac and I'm so glad I get to play it in high stress environments.