Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Neither is drinking things like softdrinks or absorbent amounts of sweet tea, but I do that anyways. Gotta die somehow, can't avoid it all, unless I get some sick ass super-powers.
Well I mean when both of the Clan's leaders get perma banned that usually sparks a conversation between people that lurk here. I mean if that didn't get people talking then I don't really know what would.

Drama is over now though so the heat will sadly die down in here. Twas fun though.

So what other fun games are people playing outside of toribash these days? Sparky is trying to get me to play "When it Rains" or whatever its called him him.
I am posting, see I am posting. Do not cry little one. If you're worried, why not recruit some people to apply. It would really help.
If nobody's perfect and I'm a nobody, does that make me perfect?
I like you o/

Yeah you guys really should start trying to build up some momentum. I'd hate to see this clan die :<
Yea in all honestly you guys don't try to actually "start" conversation much, you really only wait for someone else to do it. Try starting a conversation on your own and make a habit out of actively striving to keep this place lively.

I don't care if its a silly conversation about a stupid topic, if you guys can get a decent conversation going about it without shit posting then I'm fine with it.
Yeah Don get a conversation going jeez.

On a side note I'm getting a bit of my lenshu mojo back. I'm like... half decent again C:
yea same, haven't posted in a day or two, hello guys. Been playing a lot of grappling and such. Saving my TC to get a left pec joint texture cuz i need it asap!
"No matter if it's hard for the opponent to save, always make it harder, there is always a chance."