sorry for inactivy guys but i was on vacation.
just away from technologies for few days and finally this is last day of my trip lol.
welp, i see this clan has growns in activity
thanks to colors lmao

any new year resolutions?
i'm back. Its Turbocharge here Kyle.
and i'm sorry for my mistakes but....
to redeem them all i won 2 wars by myself
and it was against :

You accept my apology or nah?
well, i dont see any problem between us so we could move along, bud.
crap 2 war won simultaneously.
so godly xd

If you can guess what famous movie villain theme im re-working here, ill give you free shit.
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

imperial march?
literally i sticking those notes in my head and synchronizing em with to any close one in my mind lol.