Name:MaximumGr0 [MaximumGrubO in Forum]
GMT: [05:00]Eastern Time USA
Replays:50 Shades Of Red/Born of Orisis
Belt:Orange [Constantly Ranking Up]
General Mods:LightningFeathers,Judo,Jousting,Swords
Details About Me:I keep a mini-book of moves I can use in combat,I am mostly passive,And I like to learn more moves every day so I can rank up to the top!
Not to much info about your self, you wrote like nothing about yourself. From me no.
Maximum denied!

With the help of the list above I would like this to be presented in a free form application. ]

Last edited by azzeffir23; Aug 25, 2014 at 09:19 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
App Thing
Hello, I would like to join this clan because I really want a clan :P, but I am a Black belt, atm rank 8282 (lol) I am good at any Akido, except for regular Akido. I have a Skype (OpDefineR) I am 11, I am not on the forums a lot, but I play the game basically every day that I can. I am almost 2nd Dan and don't really have anything special about myself. My GMT is -7 I think, but I have stuff until 7:00 pm, so I wont be on a lot except for weekends. I hope I get into this clan.

This is a bad app but whatever
Belt:Black Belt
Your general mods:Mushu
Something really interesting about yourself:I have no particular experience negative or positive in Toribash
With the help of the list above I would like this to be presented in a free form application.

Denied. Try again next week. ;)