Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
Your body burns and aches as you fall to the ground only to realize that you are continuously falling, and that the ground has disappeared, you are falling into an endless black chasm.

I try to reach out for anything I might greedily steal a grip on.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
I try to reach out for anything I might greedily steal a grip on.

You blink and find yourself on the ground staring at the raining clouds. The clouds appear to be changing into the shapes of skulls pouring blood down upon your face. Soon after, the blood drops turn into scarab beetles.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
I stand and try to outrun the rainfall.

The beetles fall on you and tear through your skin and flesh. You run as fast as you can before falling onto a shaking ground and losing consciousness.

You awaken after the storm has past in the rubble, the back of your head caked with dried blood. You think you are going insane.
Fearful for my sanity, I struggle to find the resolve to even stand. I slowly raise my head towards the building that had been whispering and drag my body towards it.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
Fearful for my sanity, I struggle to find the resolve to even stand. I slowly raise my head towards the building that had been whispering and drag my body towards it.

The wreckage casts a ghostly shadow, but you hear no more whispers. There is nothing of interest, however.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
The wreckage casts a ghostly shadow, but you hear no more whispers. There is nothing of interest, however.

I begin to wonder how long it will take for the gods to notice the deaths of an entire city. I sit as I think surely one that was worshipped here must have taken notice.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
I begin to wonder how long it will take for the gods to notice the deaths of an entire city. I sit as I think surely one that was worshipped here must have taken notice.

As you ponder, you notice the cloaked warrior in the distance walking through some of the wreckage, looking for something.
Originally Posted by Romanovsky View Post
As you ponder, you notice the cloaked warrior in the distance walking through some of the wreckage, looking for something.

I remain still, observing him closely.
Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
I remain still, observing him closely.

He grabs bits of something black, you cannot make out what he is holding, but he proceeds to use it to mark strange symbols on his arms.