...umm...why the definition. I meant the same thing...oh noes the flame war begins!

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
*flame flame flame flame*

I joke. Zaarock looks as awesome as PlayerID666!
Maybe even better. >.>
I cant wait to see Cevius and then when your done with the admins and g-mods, ME!
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Good news, get me wrong, and ill be forced to kill you

Alien dark grey exoskeleton. massive single eye, lazor eye blast weapon. Orange/red and yellow hilights. Orange veins glowing through the exoskeleton faintly

also, colouring on a computer would get a smoother/cleaner result
<( O )>
Originally Posted by Lord_Inquisitor View Post
...umm...why the definition. I meant the same thing...oh noes the flame war begins!

because it has less in common with eldar as in warhammer, but most eldar lore in general.
though it does bear significant similarities to warcraft 3 nightelf ?warden?
If only it had a chakram :P

At least nothing in WC3 uses a scythe.

And the only thing that could possibly look slightly like Cevius at this point would be one of those Goblin Robo-Lumberjack things I always hated :X