Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
The video should be well understandable for everyone here.

Straya does it right. Preferential voting means that you can vote for small parties but the elimination mechanic gives votes to the parties you agree with most.

Though USA is an example of a failed democracy, not in the way leftists might suggest.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Europe won't jump on the anti-immigrant position just because the winner of the Presidential election has an anti-immigrant position. It would more likely hinge on the success of any anti-immigrant policy Trump tries to get enacted. If he catastrophically fails to get the policy passed, or passes it with disastrous results, then it will almost certainly lose traction across the globe.

Indeed, besides closing immigration from areas that cannot be vetted properly, until proper vetting can be set up, he hasn't really said much.

I don't see how that policy could fail though, it's literally "let's not take risks, and try find a solution".
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Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
You say that, but Hillary Clinton was far more involved in politics than Donald Trump AND outspent Donald in this election. My vote mattered.

What luckily wasn't the decider was a very corrupt and bias media. It's blatantly obvious that the democratic party truly wanted Bernie Sanders, who polled far better against Donald than Hillary did. Likewise, the republicans REALLY didn't want Donald Trump.

Neither party got what they wanted, because what they wanted wasn't in line with the American people. To me, that's democracy kicking ass.

Very excited for our new president to take office.

i meant in terms of the electoral college, i'm sure some of the 'electors' were either bought out or influenced by their political connections to vote a certain way rather than what the people voted for
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
i meant in terms of the electoral college, i'm sure some of the 'electors' were either bought out or influenced by their political connections to vote a certain way rather than what the people voted for

You have no idea how the electoral college works, do you?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
No you didn't. Anyone who thinks Clinton is as bad as trump needs to do their research. Clinton was bad. Trump was disgusting. I didn't bother posting in this thread because I didn't think it was even possible for Trump to actually win.
The office of the presidency, the most powerful position in the world, is now a joke.

That's a crock of shit.

Hillary is the worst of the worst
A politician who mastered a system that has basically corrupted the majority of politicians in the last 20 years. Pay to play, narcissism, greed, flip flopping and bought policies. Doesn't mean most of her policies were decent relative to the current political climate, if not good or great, and that she was clearly extremely intelligent and capable.

Trump on the other hand... narcissism, greed, buys politicians, flip flopping, incompetent, awful policies................

One of the few things particularly bad about Hillary was the very very clear corruption and how nasty all of that was - almost everything is bad about Trump, including the fact that he's likely to be just as establishment as Hillary is. Seriously, who's supposed to believe that a billionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth is anti-establishment?

As a people, we really should have been less lazy in making efforts to improve the system before we chose to toss a molotov cocktail at Washington, because now we'll all be the worse off for it. Maine passed ranked choice voting - why didn't we lobby our states to have that on the ballot everywhere? Because we're lazy and would rather delegate responsibility to daddy Trump to #draintheswamp even though he'll be too busy getting in twitter wars with some random celebrity at 4am to do anything useful. We'll deserve what we get.
Pouffy, which of his policies are actually bad though?

As I said previously in this thread, none of his actual policies are controversial besides "the wall" and to /some/ extent having the USA look after its own environment instead of relying on the UN.

Really, is this that insane? Would you mind saying specifically which of his policies you disagree with? You seem to imply they are all bad, when realistically I would say that at the vast majority of his policies are pretty good, and if it were not for the fact that it was Trump proposing them most people would agree with them.

This thread has nearly 400 posts and still no one on the left has been willing to discuss any of Trumps policies -_- it's as if they don't know them and just want to talk about the latest gossip that <leftist news establishment> has been promoting...
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Considering Trump was deliberately vague with a lot of his policies, often contradicting himself within the same day, it's rather hard to pin down his policies. Even other world leaders requested clarification on Trump's policies after it was announced he won the election.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
  • Climate change is a hoax "created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."
  • Obsession with coal as an energy source, promises to heavily deregulate coal and natural gas mining and use.
  • He will "cancel" the Paris Climate Agreement
  • "The Department of Environmental Protection (Environmental Protection Agency). We are going to get rid of it in almost every form."
  • "70% of [federal] regulations can go."

for a few examples. i have to leave soon so that's just some of the stuff i had off the top of my head. he proposes insane things. 70% of regulations? really? I mean I'd almost be on board if we were talking 30%, I'd say 20% is fair, but 70%? nuts. In one of the primary debates he said he'd basically cripple the EPA (although he called it the Department of Environmental lol). Guess clean water isn't as high a priority as making sure corporations can do whatever they want. He doesn't have any plans for climate change, since he literally thinks that it's a Chinese hoax. just ridiculous.

you must be kind of disconnected to think that only the wall is controversial...

although he does have some good things, "everything" was a bit hyperbolic. off the top of my head, his plan to make all child care expenses tax deductible is a good thing. it's early and i'm having trouble thinking of the other things i liked, but I have the impression there were a few more things.