See, there you go. If hampa came in and did a 12 year old application, you know what I would give him? A Big no.
Only reason nuthug got a yes, is because that application was well formated, and he used proper grammar into it and actually shown that he took his time filling it out. He did something most of us didn't do. Hell, his app was better then my example app. I am not judging by someone of their popularity. Also, fyi, all my infractions are for useless posting. I do not act childish anymore.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
Age: 18

Name: MostdefOg

Belt: Orange

Previous Clans: I've been in alot. About 11 in my past years of toribash.

Infraction(s):if none, put none) Lets see....About 11 in my past years
Ban(s):if none, put none) 9 I believe

Alt(s):if none, put none) This is my alt

Tell us about yourself: Well, I am the Infamous "link8" after all. There is alot about me. I've raged, Spammed. Trolled. Done alot of things in my past. I hope you don't look at me for who I was in my Past but who I am and How I am willing to make those things it for who I am now. I do not want to be treated down as I was before. I am more experienced now, I hope you Deakmaniac(RJ, Destinypower) can relate to what I've been through. I don't wanna be who I was before. Even though I cannot let that past go of me. I wish to make it up and show my loyality. I know I've said this alot but It's true.

Why do you want to be a Marine?: Well, as you know him "DeakManiac"(RJ I call him) Has been my friend for quite a While now and he is cool. So since this is his clan I wanted to be apart.

What is your talent?(Art/Video Making/Replay Editing): I consider Art as (Creation) So. I make Music, I am a Rapper, I made Techno. I've lost some of my skills in Replay making so Yeah. I'll give you a link to my most Recent Rap

^ Rap(I know I still need alot of work but I just started 2 weeks ago, Well Producing them. I've been making raps since I was 10 years old)

Provide proof of your talent(if any):https://soundcloud.com/enjab/enjab-is-it-impossible and some Techno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AGfJoCQJYM

Who requested you to join(If anyone did): Me

BONUS!(This will help your app out better), Do you have a skype?If yes, give us the name) RJ you know my skype lol, But it's Enjay.beast

What can you bring to the Marines?: Well I make music I get respect for that. I know how to advertise and I can produce more.

Forum activity1-10) it depends but I'd say 5/10

Ingame activity1-10) Rarely 2/10

What languages do you know?: English, JUST A BIT Of Japanese(Only like 5 words lol) and Some spanish

Rate your ingame skills(1-10) 7.6/10(Been a while I'm still a bit rusty.

Best mods: Aikido AikidoBD

Are you mature for your age(Be honest): When it's time to be Mature I will. But I mostly like to have a sense of humor which people may call "Immature"(Even though they laugh most of the time.)

If we do a background check on you, will we find out anything bad? Or about you lying on your app?(Because we will do one and if you lied you will be kicked): Go ahead Check I'm Link8, I've scammed lied farmed did a whole lot of things. Been lied to about my age alot of things. Most is true Alot isn't.

How polite are you?: I'd give myself a 9/10

Give us a 2 paragraph, 5 sentence/paragraph, minimum of 10 words per sentence telling us about yourself, and how you will act as a Marine and be honest about it and why do you really want to join: Well. I'm link8, I am technically a 8th dan black belt because of my alts etc. I've done alot of bad

things, I've been in alot of clans. I've been accused of a lot of things That wasn't true. My reputation was terrible, But I honestly think I have a chance to try and redeem myself. Just like how Deakmaniac has done. So I will

bring Alot of wins to Marines(Just to let you know, I had a clan called "Horror" We beat over 22 clans in a week. Including Abyss and RelaxAll So yeah.) And alot of other support. TC etc. I think I explained myself already about who I was.

Do you accept our Oath?: Yes.
I highly doubt link8 is more infamous then Destinypower. :P
But anyway, I vote a yes, a decent app is decent and your politeness is well
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me