Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[MS] Rags to Riches

Hosted by the Market Squids!

Art by Yiazmat

Think you're a top-tier marketeer? Then put your money where your mouth is and battle it out in the economy to earn the most TC. Can you go from Rags to Riches?

Each contestant will receive an account with 20,000 Qi (So you can buy any item you need), and you are to use this account to do your marketing. It will have a special character at the beginning of the username to hinder the account from going ingame. This account will be permabanned after the event is over. You will have 5k to start with (provided by you as an entry fee). From there, you will use this alternate account to buy and sell items in order to gain TC.

To enter the event, just post saying here saying "Sent the 5k" or something of that nature and send 5,000 TC to "Marketeers".

1. You may not receive any TC from any other form of monetary gain other than selling items (this includes asking people to give you huge discounts on items due to the event).

2. You may not market using textures (art), as this would be much too difficult to keep track of.

3. All transactions must be done through either SafeTrade or through the market (you cannot send TC directly or receive an item directly to or from users).

4. If you receive 3 infractions on your alternate account, you will be disqualified from the event and the TC you gained will be taken.

5. You cannot use PayPal or any other way of transferring real life money to gain TC or items.

Originally Posted by Risk View Post
Anyone found to be transferring items to or from their event account for any other reason than for legitimate marketing within the rules of this event will be immediately disqualified and have a hefty ban placed on their main account. Please don't try to cheat the system. We want a fun and fair event here.

The 1st place marketeer will receive a collectible item (it's a secret for now), a special achievement, 5 Shiai Tokens, and you will be able to keep your special account.

The 2nd place marketeer will receive a special achievement and 3 Shiai Tokens.

The 3rd place marketeer will receive 1 Shiai token.

The top 5 marketeers will receive a TC prize determined by how well they did compared to everyone else and how many people participated.

Equation for the top 5 marketeers' prizes

All members below the top 5 will be able to keep the TC (and items, given the qi required for the items is equal to or lower than the qi of your main account) they made and send it to their main account after the event is over.

The event will start on May 20th and end on June 20th.

Entries will no longer be accepted 24 hours before the event starts. Midnight on the 19th (0 GMT)

If you have any questions, PM a market squid.
Last edited by Clay; May 16, 2014 at 07:29 PM.
Originally Posted by ㄣInsanity View Post
idk what the standings will say but i'm well passed 100k with tc and items

same. I'm always trying to put all my tc into items as fast as possible, so amount of tc is not the best estimate while event is in progress.
100 101 118
Originally Posted by ㄣshevaroller View Post
same. I'm always trying to put all my tc into items as fast as possible, so amount of tc is not the best estimate while event is in progress.

Saw that in the market already, two flames?! I kinda regret joining now -_-
Wade: AS suck ass
Well if u guys want to know, all my items at the current market price and my tc add up to:
356645 TC

I hope i will pass 500k in pure tc by the end of the event
Last edited by R2RInsanity; May 29, 2014 at 11:12 AM.
Originally Posted by ㄣInsanity View Post
Well if u guys want to know, all my items at the current market price and my tc add up to:
356645 TC

I hope i will pass 500k in pure tc by the end of the event

Haha wow. That is way out of my league. Would you be willing to pass on any tips on how to get somewhere near that?
ㄣThePirateKing, got lucky I guess. I don't see anything wrong here unless there is evidence of some relation between these two accounts. But I'm too lazy to check it right now.
So far I've got to the point where even if anyone decides to cheat by buying cheap items from his friends, he won't have enough friends to make hundreds of k TC.
I'm having ~200k worth of items in the market + deactivated, and 3 decent flames. In the next 20 days I plan to turn it into 1 million toricredits.
Last edited by shev; May 30, 2014 at 12:31 AM.
100 101 118
Even if cheating doesn't effect you, it effects many others.
It's always a good thing to report suspicious activities such
as this. Since it was a safe-trade, that means that both
players were aware of what they were trading, and no sane
player would sell a joint texture for 100tc unless it's to his
friend or self. Which is of course against the rules..
Last edited by ThePirateKing; May 30, 2014 at 03:09 AM.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ㄣThePirateKing View Post
Uhm.. Does this mean he bought that for 100tc?
Because that doesn't seem right. :/


It took me less then 1 min to find out what this was all about.

If u look more carefully u will see that the first transaction of mcsquirrel is 100 tc transfer cadbury69!
Also the right anke was sent from cadbury main on 5 mai to mcsquirel...then on 22 sent for 10 tc...
Pretty clear in my opinion...
If staff would look closer into this probably the IP will match.

Gl cadbury!!

Always check the main for suspicios activity, the rag can't do much
Last edited by R2RInsanity; May 30, 2014 at 10:03 AM.