Original Post
Prizes for belts, win streaks, variable tourney prizes, logging in, 2nd place
Note: This thread has been merged with similar threads.

Others suggestions in this thread:
- tourney prizes proportional to the number of games played, or participants.
- win streak prizes
- prizes for gaining belts
- some sort of reward for overcoming the challenge of logging in?
- bigger prizes for anything and everything

My idea is that there should be another tc tourney but with more tc like 1k, 1,500 or 2k. I mean I think it would be much more fun and easier for people to get textures, and for noobs just starting to have a good amount of tc. The mod could be aikido or Rk mama. I just think there should be another tourney besides 500tc and 750tc you know a little higher.
Last edited by Fish; Oct 30, 2012 at 01:31 AM.
Belt Prizes,Streak prizes,gif textures and 1st,2nd and 3rd prizes
I have much ideas.

*1- Prizes per belt.
If you complete the white belt you receive 1000 tc,yellow 1000,orange 1000,green 1000,blue 1000,brown 1000,black 2000,2nd dan 3000,etc

*2- Streak prizes.
If you make a 5 streak you receive 300 tc,7 streak,other 100 tc,900 other 100 tc,etc

*3- Gif Textures.
You can put gif textures with the option of disable the gif showing a unique "image" or texture.

*4-1st,2nd and 3rd places prizes in tourney
If you are in the first place you receive 500tc.If you are in the second place you receive 400tc.If you are in the third place you receive 100tc.

Lazors Moderated Message:
Thread merged with a similar one
Last edited by Lazors; Nov 22, 2015 at 08:46 PM.
Nice Signature...
Originally Posted by FranSkrillero View Post
*1- Prizes per belt.
If you complete the white belt you receive 1000 tc,yellow 1000,orange 1000,green 1000,blue 1000,brown 1000,black 2000,2nd dan 3000,etc

Too easy to alt farm, get rid of the low belt bonuses and decrease the prizes.

Originally Posted by FranSkrillero View Post
*2- Streak prizes.
If you make a 5 streak you receive 300 tc,7 streak,other 100 tc,900 other 100 tc,etc

Still too easy to farm, maybe make it so that you can only get this on public servers where there are players willing to compete and not farm for tc with friends and decrease the prizes.

Originally Posted by FranSkrillero View Post
*3- Gif Textures.
You can put gif textures with the option of disable the gif showing a unique "image" or texture.

I would imagine the resolution on the textures would be horse shit if it was constrained to a filesize.

Originally Posted by FranSkrillero View Post
*4-1st,2nd and 3rd places prizes in tourney
If you are in the first place you receive 500tc.If you are in the second place you receive 400tc.If you are in the third place you receive 100tc.

3rd place is unnecessary, but 2nd place prizes being even half of the 1st place prize would be too much. I suggest a fourth of the 1st prize become the 2nd prize. (1000tc tourney would become 250tc for the runner up)
Originally Posted by NiteNite View Post
So. How does this work for people who buy qi

People who buy Qi just wouldn't get the TC
Last edited by Zevv; Nov 22, 2015 at 10:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I give up.
Belt Wonning
Well,so much peoples like me dont like to fight in rooms that was public cuz...10tcs? what I will do with it? okay okay,but I cant make all people win something like 50 tcs,that will crash the tori,so,my sugestion is


1000 QI=25 tcs peer win
5000 QI=50 tcs peer win
10000 QI=100 tcs peer win
Easy and not farm.
So you're saying that we are to make qi rooms, that each have their own separate amount of tc each win?
Tyzo: Haunted Memes can't crush Obey's Dreams.
Yay: But RelaxAll can crush Obey's Balls.
what happens to the tc boosters that we already have, i dont think you thought about this much and just want to get easy tc. not to mention how much tc will need to be sinked each year

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Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
Originally Posted by drone36 View Post
Exactly! And if the streak lasts for too long they can cap it off to a certain amount of wins so more people get to try, and the person who streaked previously can earn more when its their turn once again.

If you mean the prize amount stops increasing after x amount of wins, instead of what I read as "they can only win so many matches, then they get fknocked", i'd be on board. If you're all for the latter, no never.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by drone36 View Post
Exactly! And if the streak lasts for too long they can cap it off to a certain amount of wins so more people get to try, and the person who streaked previously can earn more when its their turn once again.

so after you perform a win streak you lose your turn?
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not supported this is a bad idea and the servers would be overloaded
Last edited by TyphoN; Nov 23, 2015 at 01:14 PM.
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