Originally Posted by tsukiomi View Post
gaia force lol u messed up there sending back lax

No, actually, here's what happened:

You: "sent and ur selling gaia force? if so, aqua lax for that specific item"

Me: "Trade for gaia lax and deal"

You: "trade all that for gaia??
well ok aqua lax is being sent
sent aqua lax, thats it right?"
(All within a minute. Me trying to understand your jubberish; Seriously, wtf is this shit?)

Me:"right, sending gaia lax"

And then following this, these are my actions:

-Save image/upload to photobucket Aqua lax
-Go through first page, erase things/add things
-Remove item from set/send item
-Add aqua lax to set

---------Recieve Your Pm---------

"gaia force not lax"


My following actions:

-Remove image from front page, re-add things
-Remove item from set, send back
-Write you a reply message
-Receive my old item, add it to set


Now let me list your actions:

-Send item
-Recieve item
-Send item
-Recieve item

You are not allowed in my shop anymore, and please let this be an example for future patrons.

1: Speak clearly, not jibberish or 4th grade speech
2: Don't change shit in your offers after it is accepted, atleast EDIT your offer