View Poll Results: What mod(s) should we use for the tournament?
aikidobigdojo, greykido & rb_greykido
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1 Votes / 100.00%
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[!] ALL PENDING APPS: For the time being we're going to test a new application method called player profiles. Essentially anyone who wants to join and contribute to [TA] can do so as long as you really want to be an active member of this org and not just have your name on a list.

So this time tomorrow the [Applications] thread will close and the [Player Profile] thread will open. Make your profile. Then as directed practice some hip throws on uke and post your best in [Replay Thread]. Good luck.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
For the current applications that are being discussed, could we use the same replays & play style description (if we included it) in our application and copy it over to the Player Profile thread? Some of the required material in the new thread is met in some most of these applications already.
Yes use the same replays and description if you like. Profiles in essence are the same as applications but instead of voting we use them to track your progress.
[+] Gentleman: You have been accepted into [TA] through council voting. Welcome aboard and please continue to make your profile in [Player Profiles].
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
[TA] BJJ Study
There's a million subtopics i could get into but i really want to focus on what's applicable in aikido mods so this my introduction to [TA]'s Bjj study.

Real World BJJ: In as few words as possible BJJ is a martial art that derived from judo but focus's primarily on ground based grappling, meaning everything that happens after the takedown. This includes but is not limited to ground sweeps, guard control, top control, joint-locks and choke-holds.

BJJ in TB: To start i want to throw choke-holds out of the discussion because you cannot strangle a Tori. Maybe there is some choke techniques that could help get a decap but its not easy, therefor impractical.

Joint-locks like the armbar are very good for controlling your opponent using your legs and then using your arms to move the fight. But they also have potential to intelligently fracture or DM your opponent without using striking. And they look cool.
Ex: Aquita Zwift TimmyBoyG

Top Control is basically when you find your COG on top of your opponent you really want to stick to them like glue. Use your legs and arms to control your opponent's mobility and really weigh them into the floor. You can touch the floor for stability but don't push off because it will only help your opponent recover.
Ex: Aquita monkeyishi

Pulling Guard is a very special tool. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu guards seem crazy but when you really practice and get good they can be applied to limitless situations like hip throws. Essentially you are inverting the traditional fighting stance; You are based on your hands and primarily controlling your opponent with your legs. This is done by using two leg hooks to wrap and lock up their legs, waist, or arms. Usually I am based on one hand and have 2 legs and 1 arm controlling my opponent.
Ex: Aquita monkeyishi Zwift darkexxod Jedi

Ground Sweeps are advanced turnovers and are the primary weapon after establishing a guard. There are many variations.
Ex: Aquita monkeyishi Zwift

What I Want: Anyone reading this and wants to contribute, start trying these techniques. Practice on Uke and if you need help post in the Replay Thread.
Post any successful multiplayer replays here in New Tech. Dev. and I will add them to the example lists above.
Last edited by footlox; Mar 24, 2016 at 01:50 AM.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
Hey [TA]

Im Rodericko from the Philippines (GMT +8). This is my 2nd application (On my first application I posted sparring replays XD).

I honestly love aikido alongside with Mushu and Beg_ballgore. I still remember the time where I always noobclap in aikido (White belt etc.) and actually I decapped someone in aikido by a simple noob clap (was yellow/orange belt that time). I had a funny start in aikido, that time I considered aikido as a "Funny" mod and not a competitive one.

My aikido experience changed when I started to COPY Uke's Moves (was green belt that time/ I copied Uke's Flashkicks/ I wrote the joint order in a piece of paper). After a few weeks of copying and practicing in free play, finally I was able to memorize and use those moves on multiplayer.

And then I was blue belt, someone named Baltra influenced me with his shoveling techniques (A.k.a Shovel, yea that's right the Shovel). I seriously got into shoveling, everyone teased me and said that "shoveling teaches you nothing."

I quit shoveling and I practiced, because of shoveling I learned a technique called "Lifting" (Shovel does teach you something) and then suplexing et cetera.

Now I'm showing some progress in aikido, won some duels, bets etc. From the noob clapping Sc1ence01 to the Adept in aikido Sc1ence01, now I am committed to be the best in this mod. Also, now I don't consider aikido as a mod but I consider it as an ART. And for me "Aikido is Love, Aikido is Life"

About my replays, 2 of my replays that I've attached are single player aikido matches, I am training with myself in those replays, giving off my best, defending/countering my own attacks. The other 2 are some old multiplayer aikido replays, as far as I remember I was still in destiny when I saved those replays.
Aikido collection sc1.rpl

Aikido Collection Sc2.rpl

Multiplayer Collection

Multiplayer Collection

I Hope you consider my Application, Thank you and GOD BLESS
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Science buddy your app looks great but we're converting to player profiles where you make one and you will be a part of [TA].

We'll be closing this application thread very soon.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists