Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Grim View Post
Well deserved, gj larfen, you done good now you can rest.

That's the dream haha, I was actually planning on not coming back until this legend thing happened.

Originally Posted by victortb View Post
congratulations on legendary status

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
surprised it took this long, congrats

I'm happy it happened, feels good

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
What are your favorite musics? What you been listening recently?

Top 3 albums:
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
Slint - Spiderland
Charles Mingus - The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady

Recently I've been into poppier stuff than usual, bands like Guided by Voices, The Go! Team, and Pavement. I also finally found out that The Velvet Underground & Nico is the greatest after listening to it for years.

Originally Posted by Static View Post
Your favorite Og replay maker and how has your style and mentality change over the years in replays?

If we're talking REAL OG then CheZDa is my favorite easy. It's insane how good his replays were for being made when they were. I still think that there's no true heir to his style, so I've actually been trying to incorporate some of his stuff into my replays (before I stopped making replays obviously LOL)

My mentality when I first started replaymaking (talking early 09) was that I wanted to get good enough to put up a fight in multiplayer. I soon realized that replaymaking was the shit. My early replays were very "goal-oriented", so like I would start a replay with the intention of making a skeet or making a madman, not with the intention of looking good while doing it. For example, I titled my first madman "MADMAN!!!!!.rpl" because I was excited that I had actually achieved a madman. Eventually I started making replays for the fun of it mainly because of Tamer0, who was a role model for me in that aspect. He truly was influential to the replay community in the sense that he changed the mentality many people had when they started a replay in my opinion. Because my replays were so goal oriented before that point I didn't really feel that I had developed a style of my own until around 2 years ago (although NotNoob described my replays as having a floppy style before then). Since my replays became about having fun while making them (which was probably in mid 2010 or so), I feel my mentality hasn't changed much. My style has though I think, as my idols changed from War_Hero and Oracle to Mosier, Tamer0, and CheZDa.

Originally Posted by NICOLAS135 View Post
who was ur favourite replay maker when u started sp?
what is ur favourite replay maker now?
who's the most skilled atm?

Favorite replaymaker when I first started was easily War_Hero. He was so fast and smooth that I was blown away when I first saw his threads. I still think that this thread is the greatest replay thread of all time, I highly recommend any replaymaker to watch his stuff.

Right now, I don't really have a favorite, so in terms of active people I'll just say Gramofon is dope, although I haven't been keeping up with the new ormo inductees much.

Most skilled is Rfifan

Originally Posted by Moop View Post
Who is your favourite Moop?

Also, do you agree that [duck] is the inferior bird clan?

I think I applied to Parrot once in 2009, but I've never applied to duck.

So Parrot is obviously best.

P.S. Colours is the best video ever made

Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
I love you and cats :3

[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
If we're talking REAL OG then CheZDa is my favorite easy. It's insane how good his replays were for being made when they were. I still think that there's no true heir to his style, so I've actually been trying to incorporate some of his stuff into my replays (before I stopped making replays obviously LOL

I love when he danced around after the replay was over. Also gg dude congrats on legend status
Originally Posted by Larfen View Post
Special shoutouts to max homies pusga, BISH, and Shook


also hi Larfen hows it going I didn't read this thread past that one video of you singing kingdom hearts music but I'm gonna ask a question anyway

what is your favorite album cover?
oh yeah
Congrats on legend status and nice vinyl

How many cats do you have lol?
hi larfen

no idea you played melee, i'm more into playing smash 4 but i love watching melee, link to some of your favorite sets you've played? :O
Last edited by ishi; Jan 12, 2016 at 02:11 PM.


Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
Will shoulder cat ever make a return?

Speaking of shoulder cats...you should make that your legend item.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk