Maybe we could have an invite-only IRC. But I wasn't really thinking it (my method) had to be in private.
I think that the way we dealt with new applicants before is pretty good.We dealt with Robo and Nick pretty well when you take into consideration that we didn't have the application team together.
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
The problem of an IRC channel exclusive for it or anything like that is that not everyone will be online at the same time to discuss the things, it would be the same of sending private messages to each other with our opinion about the applicant. For now I think our method of votation is good, looking the last application discussions, I didn't notice any problem with that. I may prefer to wait for our private board.
Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
The problem of an IRC channel exclusive for it or anything like that is that not everyone will be online at the same time to discuss the things, it would be the same of sending private messages to each other with our opinion about the applicant.

Right, and the only other way that would work out is a Skype group, but not everyone has Skype to work with. As it stands, I'm willing to just let things be as they currently are and wait for another option to present itself.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Uh, I don't think everyone understood my proposition;
Everyone would discuss the applicant, in the application thread, then after a week ( or something ) of discussion everyone would would cast their vote, yes or no.
Well, looking the conversation I thought you were suggesting we start judging applications in secret.

However, if you proposition is to discuss the applicant in the recruitment thread and after an amount of time give a verdict, I think it's good, since we just did it with Nick and Rogo and everything ocurred decently.
Last edited by Daedalus; May 2, 2015 at 04:33 AM.
I was about to say Galaxy that's basically what we did with Rogo and Nick.
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
Regarding the two new members and the process of applications and inviting people
Tacticaled and Zockinator were both invited to the clan without needing to go through the application process that other users do. With this alone, I am fine, as some people have connections to clan members and their acceptance may not seem like a question that needs to be asked. However, I am a bit miffed that no one was consulted about their opinions on them before the invites were sent out, least of all the members of the admissions council. I understand that Zockinator was considering joining in much the same fashion as all of the earlier members before the clan took off (myself included). I know that our titles are pretty much just honorary and we hold no actual authority, but if we're going to skip around council a few days after it is implemented, then I don't see a reason for it to exist. In these two cases, I'm indifferent to them (I see Tacticaled reporting people a lot, and I think Zockinator hangs out in Discussion, but I may be wrong there), but if I absolutely hated one of them, I wouldn't have had a chance to say so and express my concerns about them joining, and then I would have to live with them or say I didn't like them publicly and possibly having an argument blow up.

I'm not good at conclusions, and I've said all I wanted to say.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
^This is my concern as well. Thankfully I've seen both of them around and they both seem like pretty decent guys, but the fact that nobody was consulted (let alone the council) is definitely concerning and confusing.
League of Legends NA: Locus
I agree with Hawke, we were discussing it on irc and my opinion is the same as his. That isn't the first time people are invited without all members concerns, and that is the only problem I have noticed here. I like we are getting new members, I personally have nothing agains't the new guys, for I posted the welcome thread. But we need to improve the invinte process, which is very easy to do. We just need to ask for all members opinions and see wheter anyone has or not an obejction when inviting people; don't need to change the squad neither the council jobs ;)
Last edited by Daedalus; May 3, 2015 at 09:10 PM.