Endurance Onslaught 6.0
but there’s actual evidence and such proven against white people, don’t know why you’re bringing that as a claim to back you up for calling people transphobic when they’re just speaking their minds, plus don’t even get me started how you just said “which is transphobic by definition” you’re literally taking shit from the dictionary? that’s like saying by definition I can call you an idiot for this thread and just because the word idiot is in the dictionary I can just throw the word around at anyone.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
Saying you are “not attracted to trans people” is transphobic. There are plenty of trans people who have the genitals and bodies you are attracted to (remember that plenty of non-binary people don’t change their presentation and don’t seek any medical intervention and that some trans people have surgeries to change their genitals)

this quote in particular makes me so fucking angry

if you are not attracted to women you are not sexist
if you are not attracted to people with short hair it is not disrespectful to every single person with short hair
if you are not attracted to someone who went out of their way to change their gender it is not transphobic, nothing about that is transphobic.
not being attracted to someone without a gender is not whatever phobic. its kinda like being gay, its not something everyone enjoys and thats okay, which is something you need to understand
Definition of transphobia
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people "

pulling definitions is null unless you provide your source.

According to the Merriam-Webster definition, that's not the case. (for the majority of your "by definition" statements.)

Having said that can't we just live and let live? who cares what others think.
Last edited by Stupinator; Nov 22, 2019 at 08:46 AM.
Former Item Forger
Oh boohoo, I called someone transphobic. White people hate being called racist too, doesn't mean they're not racist.

Well, aren't you an advocate for not calling trans people "trans" but by their chosen gender?
Just a note, would really appreciate if everyone tried their best to keep this thread civil - no matter what your opinion on trans people, gender identity or LGBTQ in general is.
Otherwise, obviously, there will be infractions - and in case of obvious trolling you're getting straight up banned.
I acknowledge LGBTQ and accept it like anything else as a thing that exists for its own reason. But even though I'm not against it, I won't go out of my way to "defend" it since I don't actually care about the group, I care about how individuals within act.
I also don't understand why people take jokes seriously either, if there's no action or motive backing it. If gusts of air from someone's mouth or text on a screen hurts you, chances are you don't understand yourself strongly enough.
Last edited by Goomba; Nov 22, 2019 at 09:41 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[🥒] x2 🥒x17


Yet Another Goomba Post/Thread
Hello I'm gay and I have thoughts and stuff

Well I'm not really 100% gay, I consider myself homoflexible but I just tell people I'm gay because 1. it's easier and 2. I think it's funnier. That probably says a lot about my personality .-. Nothing really offends me personally, because I don't really care I guess, unless you fuck with my boyfriend. Also I'm not very good at writing on big serious topics like this so apologies if I'm all over the place. This is all my opinions and will probably offend a lot of people.

Personally, I think you're making being trans too big of a fucking deal. You are so over thinking it. I promise you, nobody cares as much as you think they do. I don't get treated differently because I'm not overly sensitive and can laugh at my sexuality. That being said, I commend your bravery and applaud you for having to courage to be yourself. Keep doing you.

I didn't feel like reading the 2nd paragraph.

If you're LGBT and get made fun of for it online and you get offended, that's on you. You can't change how other people think. If you're gonna be offended by people poking fun at you for being LGBT, and then share this with tons of people on the Internet that you don't know, that's straight up your fault. Like I said, I choose to tell people because it could be funny and makes for conversation. Also gay men and the sort really like to act feminine, and I really don't get it. I mean, I'm not saying you're not allowed to do that. That's you being you, that's your personality, and that's great. However if you're going to act that way, people are damn sure going to notice, and you're going to be treated differently. That's how humans work, stop getting mad at that shit and acting all surprised. (Mental and physical abuse is totally different and is disgusting.)

If you act differently, you're going to be treated differently.
it's bold because it's important

I mostly agree with the attraction paragraph, other than the "'not attracted to trans people' is transphobic" thing. Honestly I don't think you know what transphobic means, but opinions opinions. I don't think appearance, gender, etc should matter in a relationship, I just find myself more attracted to men. Also I agree with the "straight guys try their hardest to act straight" thing, but that's just kind of how it is. I said this to Static as a joke not too long ago, but I think it's actually something to think about: "Crazy how everyone questions how gay straight people are but not how straight gay people are."

Oo boy the gay jokes thing. Ok first of all, humor is subjective, always has been, it's a fact of life. Imma just get that out of the way. Calling things "gay" or "retarded" is pretty much normal vocabulary for a lot of people that clearly aren't meant to be taken literally, which also seems to be a common theme for you, you take everything literally. Anyways, trying to change that is never going to work. It's not really as easy as you think it is to just remove certain words from your everyday vocabulary, since that requires changing how you think. I always call things "gay" to mean "stupid" out of force of habit like when I'm streaming (I stream everyday twitch.tv/c7o2, would love to have you uwu.) My point is, stop being so sensitive.

Your last point was kind of bullshit, but I get what you're trying to say. My best friend since literal birth has always been homophobic, which is hilarious since I'm gay. (Well I think it is.) He jokingly calls me gay and a fa**** like everyday and we just laugh about it, because we don't let that get in the way. I'm sure if I sincerely wanted him to stop and asked him to stop, he would stop. But I don't because, AGAIN, I find it funny and that's his own humor and personality. I'm not going GAYS AND HOMOPHOBES UNITE, no, I'm saying that let that type of shit get in the way of your friends. Surround yourself with people you want to be around. If they can overlook it in favor of your personality, then so can you.
also that was kind of a shitty terrible use of the word coward

To sum what I read up pretty well, I'm gonna use a quote from someone else who shall not be named:
"I feel special, want to ignore any 'boundaries' - but at the same time I think that all of you should do it exact same way or you're transphobic"

So that's it, I guess. Like I said I'm not very good at this but I hope you get what I'm trying to say. I'm just putting my thoughts on paper. If you disagree or couldn't follow because I'm shitty shit at formatting, then well damn.

Don't @ me
Last edited by ymir; Nov 22, 2019 at 05:35 PM.
You: "I see a lot of gatekeeping........."

Also You: "Being grossed out by the thought of a trans person’s body is not okay. Being grossed out by the thought of any healthy human body is not okay."

Fuck off, you tell me what I must refer to people as, and now you tell me who I'm allowed to be attracted/not attracted to. Pull up your breeches and realise that growing a thicker skin is highly valuable in life

Last edited by Kore; Nov 22, 2019 at 01:08 PM.

If this is not copypasta, then I salute you for the effort you put in this shitpost.
"Being grossed out by the thought of any healthy human body is not okay."
I would post some pictures I found on 4chan of how your crotch would look after a transition surgery, but I would get banned.
"Saying you are “not attracted to trans people” is transphobic."
And why are the rest of you idiots putting effort in your replies? Nuke this thread into oblivion.
I think loli perfectly summarised my opinion on this. You need to be a lot less sensitive to a matter like this otherwise you're just sounding like the "feminists" back in like 2016-2017.

Can we just like close this thread because of how stupid it was.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky