I was just bringing an example, i have no idea and i don't care what color obama is or how good he is at what his doing.

Hall of flame should = random discussion.

Here, i edited my running a bit. Was too lasy to make more splits and stuff.
Attached Files
SP - runningcap.rpl (60.4 KB, 17 views)
Whoop Whoop
I'll rate rpls from previous page only ;x

%Aikas decaphammer reedit - no h~~ - nice one, this could've decap, but is ok. Also, you could avoid walking like 90-year-old-man and dming ur wrist :|

%Aikas decaphammer org edit.rpl - weell, not bad

%Aikas decaphammer org edit2.rpl - Not bad, but better than previous.

SP - rdsdm.rpl - Running could've been better, tho I like way of getting near uke. DMs look ugly ;x

!nicepunch2 - I don't know why, but I think something's wrong with this rpl
!fast&painful - title explains it, lol.
jfirststeps3 - Well, first steps of learning "how to run". Now you can flame and tell me how horrible it is.

I don't make a lot of replays, also, I started making "better" ones not so lately, so I haven't a lot of rpls
Attached Files
!nicepunch2.rpl (73.5 KB, 7 views)
!fast&painful.rpl (82.0 KB, 7 views)
jfirststeps3.rpl (185.0 KB, 8 views)

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
!nicepunch2.rpl -> girly punch lol :3 not bad but... mh
!fast&painful.rpl -> HA! nice dancekinda fast hits ! but the dance at the end should be better lul
jfirststeps3.rpl -> kewl kewl :3 we all need to get better on walkin
!nicepunch2 - The punch was nice but what came after that pretty much ruined it for me. You should have at least relaxed all. The final pose was ok i guess.

!fast&painful - When you dismembered, it was good but after that, the same as previous - UGLY. Also you could have used that 300 frames to get more dismembers.

jfirststeps3 - Well you're deffinetly better than me : D. I didn't like the very start, it got better at 400th frame though.


I'd like to see more 100 ED replays, from you jtank and all of you.. So much 200 ED ones, but no 100 ED ones.
Whoop Whoop
Just don't leave your legs gay like that ;O

Relax all and just try flying towards the ground, hold all when you've got something good, move joints necessary to keep balance and to get a nice pose.
Whoop Whoop
i guess i am missing with my walk skills
my first try on sambo :3
Attached Files
%Aikas stupid walk lul2.rpl (292.3 KB, 13 views)
When I saw your steps I thought "wtf hypersensivity?!". Lol. And then stepping on arms made me totally rofl xd But it's actually nice ;o Work on bigger steps.

Sambo gravity ftw.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
yeah im lookin like a 3 Year old child tryin to run haha ...
thx mate

yeah PS Sambo rox!
your walking balance is extremely good! make your own walking style and dont aim to people like rutzor. it looks really cool with the decap at the end :P

well im a corkscrew noob so take your rates easy on me k?
first: no dismemberment but the uppercut wins. i would be glad seeing an edited version of the punch to a decap (NO GRAB PLEASE!)
second: corkscrew jump towards uke and some cool spinning kicks on the ground with my arms as balance.
Attached Files
000corkscrew uppercut.rpl (81.6 KB, 10 views)
000corkscrew goin crazeh :U.rpl (125.7 KB, 11 views)
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count