I'm a 2nd dan black belt and my rank's hovering around 5000(my best was 307)
my real name is jordan. if you ever need forum art, a clan vid, anything just ask me, and ill take an extremly long time to do it *style points*, wanna spar, parkour or ninjistu battle call me. that's it, PEACE
some say i built the great brick wall... some say i invented the term boss... some say the sky will never turn green...
Originally Posted by bossbrick View Post
I'm a 2nd dan black belt and my rank's hovering around 5000(my best was 307)
my real name is jordan. if you ever need forum art, a clan vid, anything just ask me, and ill take an extremly long time to do it *style points*, wanna spar, parkour or ninjistu battle call me. that's it, PEACE

Fought and spoke with you ingame, You are in And we need Logo and banners, you wanna help?
Something is better than nothing.

Belt: Blue (Soon to be black)-lol
Best mod: Wushu, stuff with like 20 frames or more*
Age: Unknown
last clan: [_Elf]
Other: I like to do parkour, running, things like that.