Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Daily/Weekly/Monthly Challenges
Daily,Weekly, and Monthly Challenges

So after playing toribash for a long time now I realized that I was losing motivation to play multiplayer more and more by the day. Then it hit me, wouldn't it help me and other players be more active in game if there were challenges that you could complete from day to day to give your random multiplayer games more purpose.

For example:

Daily Challenge - Decap 5 people in official servers / Reward 2,000TC

Weekly Challenge - Deal 10 Million Points of Damage to Other players in total / Reward 10,000TC

Monthly Challenge - Decap Icky or Sparky / Reward Player Icon of Icky or Sparky's head bellow player name in game. (Similar to the icon that you can get to have your own tori's head displayed below your name.)

While toribash does have tournaments and stuff for players only one person can win a tournament and the reset times on them can be pretty annoying to wait for. Challenges on the other hand can't be failed with one match and players won't be as discouraged over time trying to work for them since they can take breaks while working on them.

I feel like implementing this system will give players of less skill more of a drive to become more competitive within the community and overall strengthen the community of Toribash.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
I was thinking 10 tc for daily with 50 tc to 100tc prizes, 100 tc for weekly with 500 to 1000 prizes, and 1k per monthly with 5k to 7.5k prizes.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by qukslice View Post
I was thinking 10 tc for daily with 50 tc to 100tc prizes, 100 tc for weekly with 500 to 1000 prizes, and 1k per monthly with 5k to 7.5k prizes.

Well that just kinda makes it like betting really.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
This is a little off of where current conversation is, but didn't you say earlier that challenges would be limited to QI? I.e. White-Blue would have a set of challenges, Brown-2nd would have a set of challenges, etc. (Obviously these tiers are off the top of my head and are used for this example only), with the lower belts receiving lower quality prizes (whatever those may be). It doesn't make sense to me that a 5th dan would make an alt so he could farm challenges that are dishing out 100 tc. At the 5th dan level, you should have the skill level to at least go into one of the 500 tc tourneys and win one of those. I'm not saying you're a failure as a person and as a tb player and you should seriously consider uninstalling if you are unable to win a 500tc tourney, but the vast majority should be able to much faster than one farms challenges.

Of course, it should also be mentioned that these are challenges. Not a lot of people would be able to fulfill the challenge "Get 5 decaps in lenshu3ng.tbm", much less farm it, even if they carefully set it up with their buddies. And this is simply because, as stated above somewheres, these challenges would have to be completed in either specially designated rooms or public rooms. Other people will probably be there, and when someone holds all (we're still talking about lenshu) and the other person rush kicks and decaps, they're both going to be reported. You guys are focusing so much on it's potential to be farmed that you overlook the simple fact that it could actually be very hard to complete the challenges in an efficient enough manner without getting caught. Ya dinguses....

Now, I'd also like to point out to everyone emphasizing that "Oh noes, this TC is coming from the void! Run for the hills! RUN FOR THE GODDAMN HILLS DOUBLE TIME!" that the tourneys are the same way, as far as my knowledge goes. And, I'll do a little bit of simple math here too. Here, we'll estimate the max amount of TC generated by tourneys. We'll assume a 500tc tourney takes an hour from its beginning to the beginning of the next (which is obviously not true). So, in a day, 24 tourneys will be completed, and the tc for all of them will be dished out. In a year, that's 9125 500tc tourneys that have been completed.
But, there aren't only 500 tc tourneys! I can't remember what the brown to black or whatever tourney was, so I'll skip that. But, there's the 1250 tc greykido tourney, and the 2500tc abd, and on. We'll assume that 5 of the 1250 greykido tourneys are played in day. That is 1825 tourneys in a year.
And the 2500 abd tourney is almost always dead... so maybe once in a week? That might be a stretch, but anyway, that's 52 in a year.
I can't speak for any of the higher belt tourneys, unfortunately. So, that will lower our number by a bit.
The total amount of tc poof'ed into existence by these calculations is 6,973,750, which is a relatively small amount in the whole grand scheme of things. (Not to mention staff are putting in effort to sink tc already).

If you couldn't tell by my unrestrained attack on the people trying to shoot this down... Supported~

Postscript: I added a replay to show just how ridiculous farming would look. If you're telling me you wouldn't report someone when you very clearly see that in a challenge room, I don't know what to say to you.
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Last edited by pouffy; Jul 14, 2015 at 05:05 AM.
Since I'm apparently going for the both sides, I'll start by replying to Pouffy.

That was not the point. The tourneys are funded by sunk tc. It's the addition of the challenges that will cause pulling tc out of the void. I already calculated that (With my assumptions of challenge tc won) 45.6 million tc would be given out without a single one of them rigging. So much tc is lost because more than one person is able to complete the challenge.The only real way of solving the issue would be to have the challenge be only claimable once (I.E. if somebody gets it, nobody else can get it till the next challenge), but then it would just be tournies with strange objectives.

On the other hand, the market could flourish due to the buying/selling of lower priced items instead of extremely expensive ones. This would give less skilled people the chance to become a marketeer, helping the economy. That's if, the user actually uses the tc he/she gain.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15