Original Post
Lighting/Glow Body Parts

Hello community,

I've been thinking this idea for a few weeks ago and as I've seen no one has said it on a thread. Consist about some body parts glow, for example the fists, feet and maybe inside the textures too.


Body Parts
The effect may not be like an object or a flame, needs to be attached on the body part, like the textures (but isn't that at all). It's like the inside of tori glows and as its a light, must illuminate the place and the near objects or the opponent. I honestly don't know much how this can be created but I did an illustration of this.


Lighting on textures
The way this might be possible is to make an special requirement inside the art of the texture. Maybe a pattern or a specific color can be use it to activate the glow in-game.



The intensity of the glow shouldn't be changed by users,because if it's able to change it, someone can set the intensity too high and will annoying and may lag. So it would be better and easy if its set to one level for default.

To change the color can be on the forum's options where you can select them. Each glow might be with a different color.

So this was the idea so far. I'm pretty sure you guys may have some good ideas for this.Thanks for read it, hope you like it.
Last edited by Jodus; Dec 3, 2017 at 10:11 PM.
Maybe these glow textures could replace the chrome textures or bumpmap. But I think that there shouldn't be an adjustable glow factor but just a set glow for white. White textures then have the most glow and this decreases when the color gets darker.
Last edited by TimmyboyG; Mar 11, 2015 at 01:54 AM.

i am a bird now - Lil B

This is a very neat idea. I love it. It would make this game more entertaining. Plus, seeing other people's lights are always awesome. I love your little demos to give us a visual idea.


"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I support this 115% would make customization so much cool being a texture artist it would expand what i could do
I still take texture requests for usd
This would be a splendid idea, for the fact that it would add more flare to replays and a lot of things in that area. I can already imagine those amazing spin kicks with the flare of glow...

I support this 100%, but there is one thing. They should be the most expensive things in the market, for if that doesn't happen, here come the Epileptic Seizure warnings...
Last edited by Kris; Mar 24, 2015 at 03:34 AM.
This is a cool idea, but please make them expensive.. so that not many people have them.. everything is becoming affordable... Make these items expensive..... it would make the shock and awe factor better

Instead of everyone having it... the people with it... it would just be so much better.

awesome idea though

Definitely supported. There is so much potential for this - like lights that change color with impact, lights that can mark your opponent where you have hit them with it, etc. This would be so awesome.
Let's add to this idea. Instead of having it like a flame forge, where it can be abused, why not have it be something like having chrome body parts? What if these were items and there were certain color, body part & aura brightness ones to go about? It would add a whole new and exiting system to toribash. It would create an all new gig.

Counter Argument:
These are useless and won't benefit the market or people alike. Just think about how chrome turned out!

I can agree that chrome items didn't turn out well, but that was due to the item being glossy and complete rubbish. Instead of repeating the mistake/solve the mistake by getting rid of it, we should come up with new ideas for these body-part items.

The market would boost in activity. These items wouldn't be like 3d items and have price fluctuations, they would be more like force/relax colors or joint colors.

Overall, I think the good absolutely overweighs any bad in this idea.
Last edited by Link; Mar 10, 2015 at 06:20 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
This could make Toribash-video editing so much easier and cooler.
There should also be an option to turn glow off if people don't like it or if it makes it lag for people.
Originally Posted by Link View Post
Counter Argument:
These are useless and won't benefit the market or people alike. Just think about how chrome turned out!

i have never seen chrome ingame which sucks cause i was considering saving up for it for a certain period of time
also to make my post relevant, i think link does have a point that it won't really have an impact and im pretty sure this is just a bit too over hyped, would glowing tribal textures be cool? yeah! are they really that worth making? not really.
Last edited by Day; Mar 23, 2015 at 11:22 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
One quick thing, you NEED to add this to the original post, because I see that people think this will be abuse.
If people abuse it, they will either get their glow item banned, or they get banned for texture abuse.