Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Upgrade tori control system | IK controls
In my opinion to upgrade tori control system developers should make something work similar to Maya 3d animation but with physics. I just want to say that it would be better to control tori by pulling parts of the body during turns. Watch this video and think about this idea
Why it will upgrade toribash. You will have more precision. You will be able to have more control of your tori. Will be better to play mods. Just will be easier. You will be able to make more moves. I know it hard to make again tori control system but it will give to you more capabilities. I would like to see this system in toribash. Are you agree with my idea?

Lengthy post from snake

Example from cappuccino
Last edited by sir; Jan 17, 2018 at 05:18 PM. Reason: Uptade
In my opinion, a beginner in toribash is a man who has a white belt. I do not think I'm a beginner. You join in the same year as me so you can not break me. Snake can break me.
"The belt is not important, only skills are important". In addition, toribash is not a martial art is a game. Even if you had a master belt, you would not be better than me. That's mean if you have the better belt than me you aren't better than me. You only play more matches in toribash. I really like toribash with today control system, but If there will be a new version of toribash why it must with this 12-year-old tori control system. Why hard of toribash must be not only on a good tactic. English is not my national language and your isn't Polish.
Last edited by Bowblend; Jan 5, 2018 at 06:36 PM.
I've read a lot of great points, but simply putting, the reason toribash is fun, is because it isn't easy. It isn't new, it's old. But it's old in a way that pulls players to keep grinding, to learn and move. To be something and make something of themselves. And you can say whatever you want about people not caring about the legends and shit, but people spent real time on this, and for some, this game is a part of their childhood, and they made real friends. This isn't a 3D animation software, this is a game. Games need a proper challenge.

Honestly, do you think anyone would stay without the grind? This game gives people the opportunity to truly practice, and to feel satisfaction after nailing it. And the controls may not be the bee's knees, but it's a hell of a lot better than some "drag and click" control scheme because it's what every player has learned. And the fact that we can learn, that makes it worth it. You can't blame people not wanting change because they've wasted hours into the game, even though many honestly have because it is not just that. Everyone was a beginner at one point, but after so long, you aren't a beginner, you get better.

The reason no one wants the change is that the community, which in some parts is more of a family (Shoutout to my AS fam <3), is built around the grind, and the feeling of accomplishment you get out of the grind. We would have a really shitty community if every 12 year old stuck around.

I'm not saying TBN shouldn't get a new control system, but I definitely don't think "drag and click" simulator is a good fit for TBN.
I think original put it the best way.

I think we're also getting a little salty at each other and in a small community that's not exactly very good.

Bowblend, you bring some great points and I understand where you're coming from. Toribash IS a hard game to master. However, even though it's based around animation, it's still a game at it's core. Taking away how we move would be kind of disappointing for many of the older players. It would be like if we took cod and made it so the buttons are how you walk, and the stick is how you shoot. It might be better, but we simply don't want it.

However, minibash had that click and drag feature you were talking about. It worked really well in that game, and if you're looking for something that utilizes that feature, I'd really suggest pushing for minibash.

Snake, I think I got a little heated towards you and I'm sorry for that. I understand that you're looking to change the movement of the game to make it more accepting towards beginners, but at this stage in Toribash's life, we don't really attract multitudes of beginners. We're an old game and we're waiting for Toribash next.

Trying to change something as high as how the game controls is much harder than it sounds. The concept of the game is a martial arts simulator, but at it's core, it's movement controls are what sets it apart from other games. Even after 11 years, I haven't seen any games that have done this type of control to this extent. I don't think this system is perfect, but it was a game made in 2006 by a small group of developers. Maybe movement will be better in the next version of Toribash, but for that we'll have to wait and see
I think it is the best way to control movement of models in ragdoll games.
I am wondering how physics would interact with the IK animated models.
Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
We're an old game and we're waiting for Toribash next

i thought it was painfully obvious that the whole conversation about a control scheme and suggestions around it was about the toribash next from the very beginning, or after #6 post in the thread atleast?...
if it wasn't obvious i guess i will have to put Noribash Text in every single post i make in this thread, as it appears people really don't get it

edit: done, added a disclaimer that i talk about tbn in every of my posts in this thread
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
I think it is the best way to control movement of models in ragdoll games.
I am wondering how physics would interact with the IK animated models.

could you elaborate on this one further please? i don't understand what you mean
Last edited by snake; Jan 6, 2018 at 01:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
wow, didn't expect you to take everything i said and throw it out the window to pick apart something i quickly wrote while i was at college. in other words,
Originally Posted by Haluejah View Post
Now you just turned from determined to butthurt because someone proved your point wrong. If you really want this, program a game yourself, it doesnt seem like you understand the difficulty of this.

if you just plan on getting salty with everyone over an opinion, then i don't mind leaving.

Originally Posted by dengue View Post
I think it is the best way to control movement of models in ragdoll games.
I am wondering how physics would interact with the IK animated models.

if you're talking about the push-pull method, then yeah, i'd be curious too. i'm not sure it'd be the best way to get around though. push pull as commonly used in a 2d space. i think snake covered this already but i'm not sure, how would we move our tori in a 3 dimesional space?

Originally Posted by Bowblend View Post
Of course, I understand it because I'm a developer. I still think it's a good idea for upgrading toribash. Just forget about it. I don't want to destroy this game. If the community doesn't want to see new control system I can't do much about it. I will close this idea.

i think it's a good idea, just not for this game. you came up with some very good points and i respect that. thanks for sharing your opinion it's not a bad idea, but i don't think it's something some members would rejoice in having changed
Originally Posted by Haluejah View Post
Now you just turned from determined to butthurt because someone proved your point wrong. If you really want this, program a game yourself, it doesnt seem like you understand the difficulty of this.

Toribash next will be made in a game engine that allows IK animated models and IK controls,
has Physics of Rigid Body, ragdolls and more features to work well with the new control system,
the complexity would not be an issue with the experience of the devs throught the years.

Originally Posted by Original View Post
I've read a lot of great points, but simply putting, the reason toribash is fun, is because it isn't easy.

what makes a game entertaining are the game mechanics and I simply think toribash mechanics are boring at this point.

The Challenge there would be the competition between players, wich is not only the controls, it is the technique and
strategy they execute to lead them to victory.

Also, there are customization, visuals and community of the game, which would bring people to it.

Originally Posted by snake View Post
could you elaborate on this one further please? i don't understand what you mean

I would be interested in seeing the entire mechanics and controls of the game.
This thread is basically saying "fuck old toribash, lets make it more hard and complex". I'd think that the normal toribash system is good enough so it doesn't really need to change. Don't fix what isn't broken and don't upgrade what is already perfected.

Also why is snake posting a lot on here? It's weird.
static | toad (ormo) max | haku
I don't agree with you %Karbn (all what you saying)
Snake >>
"so you select an IK part, like... wrists/elbows/feet/knees
when you selected it, this windrose shows up next to it
you grab X with mouse and it moves on X plane like shown in video
you grab Y - y plane, well you got the idea

toribash is a ragdoll physics based fighting game, with great focus on customize-ability and userr-generated-content, not necessary "CLICK ON THESE BALLS" game,"
This control system isn't perfect. I will fight for the new system. "
"This thread is basically saying "fuck old toribash, let's make it more hard and complex"."
Of course not.
this thread is basically saying "Change 12 years old toribash, let's make it easier and less complex".
Last edited by Bowblend; Jan 6, 2018 at 05:05 AM.
Are you fighting for this new control scheme because you always lose against people? (Sorry if I seem salty or something)
suck my dicknballs