Endurance Onslaught 6.0
To add to what Orion said, the prices will increase. When people band together to try and create/use/optimize energy sources, THEY WILL WORK TOGETHER. Instead of going into a riot, they work alongside eachother to find the most efficient and fastest way to finish/use the solution. It's not like Y2K. Oil is not going to disappear. It's going to gradually decrease in availability, forcing people to act as one and use alternatives. In that case, the overall goal is the authority that people follow - To replace our oil necessity with something that will work and keep us going.

@Orion - What do you mean by "i love it"? It's preferable if you could elaborate or specify what you are talking about, done best when you use the "Quote" button, or Copy/Paste + Quote Brackets.
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oh i meant i loved the way you argued your points
the whole presentation with the colors was quite nice
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Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
Total anarchy will exist when oil runs out, and some say that peak oil will happen in the next 5-20 years, and when that happens riots will go down for sure.

Try 30 years with the current technology. Also I'm currently working at a research group for a project from my university, which tries to improve the technique they use to get oil out of the ground, as now we can only take 1/3 of the oil. They hope to improve it by 10%, then we can use oil for another 10 years, that is, according to extrapolation of the current status. So if cars get better or something like that, it gets even more.

Anyway, I don't think there is something as complete anarchy. Even animals don't have complete anarchy. If we take away any leader, another will arise. Maybe not as leaderish, but there will always be someone with more influence.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Originally Posted by Meamme0 View Post
Try 30 years with the current technology. Also I'm currently working at a research group for a project from my university, which tries to improve the technique they use to get oil out of the ground, as now we can only take 1/3 of the oil. They hope to improve it by 10%, then we can use oil for another 10 years, that is, according to extrapolation of the current status. So if cars get better or something like that, it gets even more.

Anyway, I don't think there is something as complete anarchy. Even animals don't have complete anarchy. If we take away any leader, another will arise. Maybe not as leaderish, but there will always be someone with more influence.

Perhaps longer than 30 years. Think about it. Current technology is developing, becoming more advanced every single day. We can extract more oil from the ground as technology develops, AND our energy usage will become more efficient. Today's vehicles still run on the same oil based gasoline as the vehicles back then, but they are significantly more efficient in using it. Along side decreased/more efficient usage AS we increase our oil availability. And note, that isn't considering the fact that since technology is developing, different sources of power surface. The oil that we could possibly extract from the earth might just become extra raw power in the next 30 years, if technology continues to advance at it's current rate.

Therefore, the concept of getting total anarchy just because of oil is illogical.
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@LastGod Indeed. Like many people have said, we'll find alternatives for oil. Also, I love how Thesorrow mentioned movies as he was trying to prove his point. Just for the sake of fun, I'll say that in the game Frontlines oil gets super close to being all used up, yet armies form. And that won't even happen because oil will not just fly away.

I guess I kind of concluded the oil thing.