Original Post
U4SE Egyptian "Olympics"

Competitors will compete in three major categories; Ancient Blood-sport (multiplayer matches), Inner Strength (singleplayer replays), and The Arts (art of course). There will be only 1 gold medal finalist for each category. I am the judge of sp replays and art. A finalized tourney bracket will be made and posted 96 hours after this post (no matter the amount of entries).

In this ancient competition, there are barely rules. I only ask that art reflect ancient Egyptian culture in some form or fashion, replays are actually creative, and that you work as hard as possible to be the best. Use any mod for singleplayer replays (or even create one). Art can include "Egyptian" textures, videos, or graphic design. Mods included in multiplayer will include ninjutsu.tbm, wushu3.tbm, aikido.tbm, and erthtkv2.tbm

Multiplayer 1st Place

Singleplayer 1st Place

Artist 1st Place

this event will end when all multiplayer matches have been conducted.
deadline for sp and art is February 17th, 2018.
ask to be included in the multiplayer section on this thread.
looking for donations. all proceeds will go DIRECTLY to the prizes for this event, no funny business. (send to U4SE, donaters will be put here)



MP Bracket

Last edited by Hell; Feb 15, 2018 at 01:04 AM.
Time for MP entries is up, added bracket to OP. The first 3 entries got a first round bye.
Players in the first round will execute 3 matches:
1 wushu3
1 aikido
1 ninjutusu
You all have 4 days (or 96 hours from this post) to play these matches, or the match will be forfeited and a winner will be decided by evidence/proof of one participant not being able to play or just declining to play in the given time. Please save the replays and post proof that you've won (or lost) here on the thread. PM your opponent as soon as you see the bracket. Good luck!