Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by BeLgRaDe View Post
There . Realistic , and to your likings ( I guess everyone would like a sidekick )

Better now, but you should also state your nationality ( everybody has one).

And as a tip for role-playing, don't make decisions for other characters ( like how you said you became my sidekick). Just state your intent and let the other person decide ( you could have said that you asked to be my sidekick and waited for my reply).
Warrior Name: Maximus

Initial stats
Strength 20
Dexterity 15
Intelligence 15
Charisma 10
Perception 10

Faith: Greek

Weaponry: Sword (secondary) and Spear (primary)(to big for any other man to wield)
Armor (of the faith and time): greaves, gold plated Armour, bronze helmet and gold shield.

Mount? Horse

Starting city: Thessaly, Greece

Character Nationality: Greek

First Move: Wake up in a tent with two naked women by my side.
Last edited by rhyz; Mar 28, 2011 at 02:47 PM.
Bel, Devil. You guys just can't start with each other without my consent in this game. I will add more rule if needed, so I will add different starting locations. And redo the mount Bel :v. Dev bro, amazing card. Might start with you till these two follow the new rules implanted here.

Rhyz: Change your name and first move, or I do it for you with a new card :v

I will start with Dev first since he followed through:

You walk towards the church, and open the doors. A service is following, so you sit with others and pray.
It's. . . been too long.
Hehe thanks :P

Oh and btw, you might want to make just 3-4 locations tops. We aren't that many so we should be more constrained ^^

And add a few factions. I can be the crusade leader :P. I have big, cruel plans ahead.
When you do good/bad deeds or any sort of movement, I will let the player know what comes next. You are in the church, you were going to talk with the priest there, right? So, ask him about the crusade then I will use my own cruel plans. If you choke on behaving and good at battle of course.
It's. . . been too long.
Originally Posted by Catastrophe View Post
When you do good/bad deeds or any sort of movement, I will let the player know what comes next. You are in the church, you were going to talk with the priest there, right? So, ask him about the crusade then I will use my own cruel plans. If you choke on behaving and good at battle of course.

I won't reveal any details but you're off concerning my plans :P. I will be good and stick to this role entirely.

Actually, I plan on waiting until I get a bit more followers to start the crusade ( and the pope has to authorize it btw, a mere priest can't do that). After I get at least 2 I'll plan my next move.
Not the mount, I meant the location. I will let you guys meet, when I think it's time.

Dev: It has been 24 Hours and you finally meet with two crusaders, who are in fact templars who ask you to join in part one of the very few crusades. You accept, and know each character quickly.

Chtr 1: Eli
Initial stats
Strength 30
Dexterity 10
Intelligence 20
Charisma 19
Perception 20
Weapons: double-edged broadsword, Ash wood Lance, And a battle Axe
Armor: Helmshcad, regular Templar armor.

Chtr 2: Simeon
Initial stats
Strength 25
Dexterity 15
Intelligence 15
Charisma 10
Perception 16
Weapons: Crossbow, Double-edged Broadsword, Pike, Kite Shield
Armor: Helmshcad, Regular Templar armor, but lighter

You head towards a small Vila, meeting with the other crusaders.
Last edited by Catastrophe; Mar 28, 2011 at 12:29 AM.
It's. . . been too long.