Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Willing to help along the way where I can but wouldn't be in this officially and expect no payment.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
So, ATD made it a hell of a lot easier for us.
That is, if we want to do a "gynx styled set".

I'd love to do one of the legs.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Talked with him, he told me Lexx and Alphasonik took both the legs. So, if chillz wants to do an arm, I can take the other one. He suggested that we blend the styles of the body parts together (i.e. right arm with left arm; right leg with left leg, etc.).

Also, here's my steam if you guys need it.
taking art requests for USD
Hey guys,

So I sent monobi a pm wondering if you was officially in or not and he pretty much said yes. I also talked to hanz0 about joining and I got two words out of him, maybe and okay. Lol..

Anyway no offense to lexx, but I think I would much rather have monobi working on this piece instead of lexx. I have a lot of faith in you guys here at GATA so I think I would rather keep it all in the family. Right alphasonik has a leg and 13chillz has an arm. Yiazmat I know you were saying you wanted a leg originally so if you want to team up with alpha on this, be my guest.

This leaves an arm, the head, and the entire mid section open. The head is something I like of wanted to save for last. When all is said and done I thought it would be neat if you guys all together work on just the head, just kind of as a finishing touch to a job well done. It's up to you guys though. If you think it's best to just assign the head to one person then that'll work also.

Let me know what you guys think about all of the above l. Sorry for any typos btw, on my iPhone currently.
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
Alright, either Yiazmat or Monobi, send me a PM on how you want to tackle this.

ATD, do you want me and either Yiaz or Moni to collab so you have two of the same legs or do you want two different legs?
I'm down for either, I already have an idea on what I want to make but I don't mind changing it if you want us to work together.

Here's mine:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023927627
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Well, yeah, I'd take a leg if Monobi is okay with doing an arm.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
ATD, do you want me and either Yiaz or Moni to collab so you have two of the same legs or do you want two different legs?
I'm down for either, I already have an idea on what I want to make but I don't mind changing it if you want us to work together.

Also this. I wouldn't mind collabing either. You said earlier that you wanted the parts to blend. This would be a good way of doing this. But if you want us to make a leg each, I'm okay with that too.
taking art requests for USD
Whatever you guys think will work out the best, I originally planned on you guys just making separate pieces but only because I thought it would be easier for you guys. If you want to collab and work together be my guest but you don't have to!

[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
Yiaz, tell me!
I'm down with either but I'd like collaborating a bit more, that way we both will learn.
Only, when we'll collaborate, I'd like to do it in a professional matter.
With a plan. Otherwise it'll get way too messy and we will not finish it.
Let me know what you'll prefer and maybe your timezone as well.
If yours and mine are too far apart collaborating won't be a great idea.
Mine is GMT+1.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.