German girl ftw

Verboten -- LaFee

Küss mich -- Lafee

Dunno how to bring the videos to the forum like y'all, sorry.
Last edited by DarkJustice1; May 23, 2011 at 09:37 PM.
I AM TWINSEED1 AND HE IS ME. I had no clue that it automatically made one after making an ingame account..
Originally Posted by memo3322 View Post
KoRn - Kiss

KoRn - Haze

KoRn - Make Believe

KoRn - No One's There

Just a few i've been listening to, not their best but still good.

You are really a fan of KoRn, are you?

Well, no one is my favorite. I listen to every nice music.
hard DnB hurr:

try some pendulum too (midnight runner, the other side, watercolor etc.)
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3
Originally Posted by LeL0uch View Post
You are really a fan of KoRn, are you?

yep yep.
Originally Posted by evildog View Post
hard DnB hurr:


try some pendulum too (midnight runner, the other side, watercolor etc.)

maybe check that one out^
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do