Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Right now, 10/10 great activity with a lot of members! Wow
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
i think it became much better

- im worrying about what if the situation gonna be the same like when promo-team was here about half a year ago the prizes and events were low now everything became better and better but what if it gets back the inflation? the only good thing is that gms dont give out tc, only items.

actually another problem, im at gmt+1 and all tourney starts at about 20:00 maybe a little bit earlier tourneys pls? or 6:00 when i sleep
I haven't been back for too long but until now I've really seen a ton of events.
All of them seem very well managed, well designed and set up - great job so far c:
What you're doing wrong:
No ST prizes in some GM-related events

What you're doing right:
loads of forum-events

What I want to see:
There must be shit-tons of torny's on Saturday and Sunday ._.

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
10/10 should've joined when I had the chance.

Shit loads of tourneys and events, good prizes, generally the prizes are based towards how difficult something is which is good because I remember dome really difficult events a while bsck had shit prizes, and others were way too good considering it was just like luck based.
Gg, want to see more basic sp replays type events, those are the only owes I'm good at.
I mean its great that you're doing all sorts of different types of replay challenges, with cool objectives to them, but beginner replay makers rarely have a chance to win or improve their skills because the objectives are difficult or require a certain amount of finesse and patience.
That or they win by pure luck. Like last months opener challenege, I dont get how b4ckst4b won. His replay was all right, but there were others that should've won instead. No offense, but ya other replays were definetly better then his. Small details concerning sp replays are what I feel like the gm team is missing, because you don't really have the opinion of someone who is an expert at replays. So your descisions might not be bsed upon actual flaws in the replay, but rather wether the replay is just different and creative.
I.e., creativity is nothing without perfection.
Just my 2 cents. Ya
Still, great job bringing your shit together, I remember not too long ago how the whole organization of the gm team was a pretty big mess.
Keep the good shit goin

Also don't ask me to judge replays pls
I suck.
Get marrez or someone else to do it
Just not me
Please make global when you create 'gmtourney ', not when room is full :-$
My zoo:Vog-dog,kat-cat,Matt76-brother,tman-tbitch,iRookie-lesbian,RKG-erky,brigada-bitch-X.
Originally Posted by GiraFFus View Post
Please make global when you create 'gmtourney ', not when room is full :-$

That's already what we do.
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I'd rate them a 7/10

I don't see loads of gmtourneys on saturdays and sundays ( the time when most of us are online )

The monthly opener challenge does not have ST prizes. Maybe like... 1-3 st prizes

Sometimes, in GMTourneys, the prizes will suck. They have to like give you an item acc to the tier you're in, and others

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
As the first thing, i really wanna say, the global event's need to be anounced with 3 minutes-5minutes before it start's.
Another thing i really want some nice event's. Event's that will make you enjoy and have fun with them. I mean a basketball cometition with a slamdunk or a sportive event where you have to go up first or something like that.
up for request