Soo who here is willing to make me a skin XD ... tired of having these horrible textures... much would be appreciated and i dont mind paying a small fee
lol Ask Iawesome he is a pretty cool guy and makes cheap sets and they pretty cool. He is in tgs if you can't find him.
Connection problems, meaning no router for a few days. Anyway, I'm back now for a while
You are the one to choose the winner ;)
Last edited by goblinmage; Jul 5, 2014 at 08:19 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ok, we did alot of wars today
It's actually 4 wars
we won one of them against (VoC)
one against (Ascend) its still active o: and the score is 9-2 to us
and we lost two against (FC) and [Obey]
guys, we need to practice more abd
also, I suggest making a point system or something to rank members, like when you win a war match you get one point, and when you lose you lose a point too, ... etc
Also when goblin returns we should discuss paymentmethods for official. It won't
be much if we split the fee evenly among us, but it seems like Josh56x already went ahead and
donated 15k. <3
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
So, anyone up for helping get better at ninjutsu? I dont want to get into a war until I am comfortable with my skills. :P
Oh and what is ABD.
Idk what that means.
Last edited by PlasmacometX; Jul 6, 2014 at 10:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump