Rusted Katana
Here you have a rusted katana(ftw :P). It's rusted and it's blunt(It isn't instagib). Like always you need to cut your way through, but this time the way is from titanium (>.<).
Everything is the same:

except that the sword isn't instagib and it is little brown:

Happy you gamerbad bastard? XD
Attached Files
rustedkatana.tbm (1.4 KB, 11 views)
Is it alowed to do this mod in multiplayer? dont know maybe there are copyrights or something like that^^
This mod is surprisingly popular for its unoriginality.
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
Originally Posted by naiba View Post
Is it alowed to do this mod in multiplayer? dont know maybe there are copyrights or something like that^^

It is allowed :]
Awesome Katana, rusted or not.

I made a replay, for the lols.

The kick decap was my favorite part.
Attached Files
Litto-Rusted Katana :3.rpl (104.2 KB, 12 views)
replay posting is a nice idea. good replay. here is one made by me in multiplayer...poor twilighter^^

PS: its normal katana.tbm, not rusted
Attached Files
Z Katana fight 2.rpl (75.8 KB, 11 views)