I'm afraid I'm not the best at parkour (I might just be the worst), but I can try.
The running looked pretty realistic, aswell as the jumps. The second jump was a bit less enjoyable than the first one, but the smooth movement made up for that.
The sitting pose was very realistic as well.
Warning, hate incoming, but since it's me you already saw it coming just because of the replay style.

Okay, cool running and mini manip.
I liked the jump before you started punching Uke, that looked good.
The hit combos were generic though, nothing really stood out. Also, one thing I personally hate seeing is hitting Uke when he's on the ground, it just looks boring beyond belief.
Great pose though.
The opener was alright, so were the first hits.
As pusga said, hitting uke on the ground can be quite boring, but it really depends on how you hit him.
The single dm punches were nice, but the look of your punches didn't give quite a "beatdown" type of look.
Try finding a way to let your hand slip off of uke, that way, you can extend your arm fully without pushing yourself back, and will give that look of "power".
However, that might increase the amount of frames it'll take to rotate back to bring into another punch, just so you know.
Anyway, if you want to go for these type of replays, make sure you set your hits up much more faster, or else...it will be quite boring to watch the slow movements.
Pose was nice.
All in all, pretty good, just speed up your hits and add more power.
Run was nice for me, the punch and the ground punch looked good, but the transition between the punch(ground punch) should be faster.
Pose was great.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
I'm not sure how to really rate a tricking replay, so I'll just say that it looked cool and pretty fluid. I don't see anything wrong with it, which is a good thing.
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
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Originally Posted by HiVoltage View Post
I'm not sure how to really rate a tricking replay

me neither

now i'll just try:

spins were fucking cool for me
you were fast in these
you were not twitchy
pose was nice

i've liked that
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