Originally Posted by UltraViolent View Post
See sublimanely,You think you're correct.Meanwhile you are avoiding the fact that some bands (LMFAO etc.) Get famous for doing shit.

Where did you get that from? A bottle of snapple? First, its spelled subliminally. Second, what the hell does that even mean? Is the screen randomly flashing while I listen to music, secretly telling me that(by the way, subliminal messaging isn't actually a real thing). Lololo, I think you avoided the last part of my post.


Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
I havent said shit about other music genres. The closest thing to saying music is terrible is me explaining I dont find dubstep and country, as an example.

The whole point behind my posts was trying to explain why screaming is a talent.

Noun: Natural aptitude or skill.

Screaming isn't a natural aptitude or skill. ANYONE ON THIS PLANET CAN SCREAM.
Last edited by Hyde; Oct 7, 2011 at 11:35 PM.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Where did you get that from? A bottle of snapple? First, its spelled subliminally. Second, what the hell does that even mean? Is the screen randomly flashing while I listen to music, secretly telling me that(by the way, subliminal messaging isn't actually a real thing). Lololo, I think you avoided the last part of my post.

Noun: Natural aptitude or skill.

Screaming isn't a natural aptitude or skill. ANYONE ON THIS PLANET CAN SCREAM.

Thumbs up for trying it yourself..or wait?Did you/I guess not.How about you make us a video dude?Try.
Originally Posted by UltraViolent View Post
Thumbs up for trying it yourself..or wait?Did you/I guess not.How about you make us a video dude?Try.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Where did you get that from? A bottle of snapple? First, its spelled subliminally. Second, what the hell does that even mean? Is the screen randomly flashing while I listen to music, secretly telling me that(by the way, subliminal messaging isn't actually a real thing). Lololo, I think you avoided the last part of my post.

Noun: Natural aptitude or skill.

Screaming isn't a natural aptitude or skill. ANYONE ON THIS PLANET CAN SCREAM.

Anyone on the planet can dance
Anyone on the planet can pluck a string
Anyone on the planet can hit a drum
Anyone on the planet can fly a plane
Anyone on the planet can shoot a gun
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post

Wrong. PEOPLE LIKING MUSIC MAKES POPULARITY, NOT GOOD MUSIC. The song can be the worst song ever, but it depends on people's tastes. It's called MUSIC GENRES. People will listen to it and then they go like "Hey, check this awesome song!", and the other goes like "Wow, that's pretty cool!" and so on. Also blogs and social networks help the popularity of bands/singers too, imo. They can update with one click and everyone sees it.

About effort and skills, those are different. If you say effort, it means that the musician tries hard to get the song he wants. If you say skills, it means that the musician has abilities to produce music, more or less, better or worse, depending on his skills.

Also, there are also commercial songs, the ones mades for radios and tv's you know?
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
Anyone on the planet can dance
Anyone on the planet can pluck a string
Anyone on the planet can hit a drum
Anyone on the planet can fly a plane
Anyone on the planet can shoot a gun

Yep. The thing is, the ability to shoot a gum matters, because if you can't do it as well as the other guy, you'd have a hole in your head, Same goes for piloting a plane.

Originally Posted by pal View Post
Wrong. PEOPLE LIKING MUSIC MAKES POPULARITY, NOT GOOD MUSIC. The song can be the worst song ever, but it depends on people's tastes. It's called MUSIC GENRES. People will listen to it and then they go like "Hey, check this awesome song!", and the other goes like "Wow, that's pretty cool!" and so on. Also blogs and social networks help the popularity of bands/singers too, imo. They can update with one click and everyone sees it.

About effort and skills, those are different. If you say effort, it means that the musician tries hard to get the song he wants. If you say skills, it means that the musician has abilities to produce music, more or less, better or worse, depending on his skills.

Also, there are also commercial songs, the ones mades for radios and tv's you know?

If people like it, there are obviously good qualities about it. Masses don't love anything they hear. Well, technically they do, but stupid shit gets thrown out the window.
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
Also you say anyone can scream, that it doesnt require talent
Well think of dancing, anyone can dance, but you have to learn to dance well to not look like a retard.
for screaming, you have to learn to scream, so you dont sound like shit.

Replace dance with anything you feel like.

Anyone can shoot a gun, but you have to learn to hit your targets.
Anyone can throw a punch, but you have to learn the proper technique to make it hurt.
Anyone can sing, but you have to learn the proper techniques to make it sound good.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Yep. The thing is, the ability to shoot a gum matters, because if you can't do it as well as the other guy, you'd have a hole in your head, Same goes for piloting a plane.

the point

your head
Last edited by 2worlds; Oct 7, 2011 at 11:40 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post

Try doing that at a concert.We'll see what happens.
If people like it, there are obviously good qualities about it. Masses don't love anything they hear. Well, technically they do, but stupid shit gets thrown out the window.It probably ends up in your lap I guess.Or in your ears.Who knows.
Last edited by UltraViolent; Oct 7, 2011 at 11:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
Replace dance with anything you feel like.

Anyone can shoot a gun, but you have to learn to hit your targets.
Anyone can throw a punch, but you have to learn the proper technique to make it hurt.
Anyone can sing, but you have to learn the proper techniques to make it sound good.

the point

your head

Talent isn't related to working hard, Talent is a natural aptitude. If I picked up a gun and you picked up a gun for the first time, and I hit you and you died, after you missed, then I am obviously more talented at it then you.

Originally Posted by UltraViolent View Post
Try doing that at a concert.We'll see what happens.

Why would I? I like my vocal chords the way they are. Why would I want to ruin them? Look at Corey Taylor, from your slipknot example. He can barely talk, and sounds hoarse 100% of the time.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Talent isn't related to working hard, Talent is a natural aptitude. If I picked up a gun and you picked up a gun for the first time, and I hit you and you died, after you missed, then I am obviously more talented at it then you.

Except if you picked up a gun, but I've been practicing aiming for a year, and I hit you first.

That would make me more talented because I practiced.

Talents can be learned.

Imagine your favorite band (I'm going to use Rise Against as my example)

Was Tim McIlrath born being able to sing and play guitar at his level? No.
What about Zach Blair? No.
Maybe Brandon Barnes.... wait no.
Well Joe Principe has to... nope again..

They actually had to practice instead of just picking up a guitar for the first time and being able to play it at their current level.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ