Original Post
Feeling Artsy?

Over at the super-duper-ultimate-mega-ultra-top secret ES headquarters, Icky and Reta are demanding that they are given newer, more beautiful pieces of artwork to be displayed their offices. So the Event Squad are giving you guys the opportunity to create your very own masterpiece to impress them!

In this event, you are to make a piece of art, (whether it be made with Photoshop, a painting, a drawing, etc.) based on the Tori of a staff member. A list of Toribash staff members can be found here. Try to make your art look as spectacular as possible; you have 4 weeks so no need to rush.

You can use the /dl and /lp commands in-game to look at our Tori's.

There will be one winner, a runner-up and a couple of honorable mentions.

Winner's prize:

30,000 TC and x6

Runner-up's prize:

15,000 TC and x4

Honorable mention prize:


- No plagiarism. At all.
- You must base your art on one current staff member.
- Using alts to submit more than one entry is not allowed.
- Collaborations are allowed; in this case prizes will be split.
- Submissions can be any size, just make them clear and distinct.
- Preferably upload a picture of your art to an image sharing site (such as imgur, gyazo, puush, etc.) and include the image link in your post.
- You cannot simply take a screenshot of the Tori and edit it with graphic software - you must create the art.
- Show all of your piece of art very clearly to ensure it is properly judged.
- You should incorporate every item that the user is wearing into your artwork.

Keep in mind your artwork may not be judged if it doesn't follow all rules.

After the deadline, the ES team will judge all artwork. The voting process could take anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. Your pieces of art will be judged on how similar it looks to the player, as well as your style. When we have decided on the results, I will make a post stating the winners and honorable mentions, and prizes will be sent shortly after. (If you created a collab, prizes could take longer to sort out.)

March 11th 2018

Last edited by Blur; Feb 13, 2018 at 01:07 PM. sorry for the tiny black smudge in the middle, my camera is broken, also sorry for no colours I couldnt find them and had no time anyway :/ hopefully the lack of colour and a background wont diminish my chances of winning too much - I was planning on making a uke head in the other hand too but i ran out of time :// - I did TyZi

TyZi Moderated Message:
phenomenal work, don't let the deadline stop you from finishing this! ;O
Attached Images
wip 3.jpg (32.8 KB, 43 views)
Last edited by TyZi; Mar 11, 2018 at 04:09 AM.
xd i like karbn

karbn is my dad

EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Feeling Artsy Results
The voting period is over and we're proud to present you our Feeling Artsy winners!

In first place is Ragey07 with his deadly drawing of Reta!

Ragey07's entry

The runner-up is Fluxorious with his amazing artwork on TyZi!

Fluxorious' entry

The two honourable mentions that have been chosen are Tazare's and LeSolution's artwork!

Tazare's entry
LeSolution's entry

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you all for participating! All Shiai tokens have been sent - Ragey07 and Fluxorious, your TC will be sent soon.