Endurance Onslaught 6.0
LiquidDoom, I've tried all of those and still I do not see my brain playing tricks on me. Also you would be able to tell the difference between your brain imagining shit and you actually seeing shit. If you can't then... I don't know, you would be pretty gullible. Oh, and you have to Concentrate for this to work. I'm quite positive he wasn't concentrating everytime he thought he saw something.

You own a cat which makes a huge difference. I've watched over a cat for a week and man, I couldn't stop randomly seeing cats at the corner of my eye for a long time which obviously weren't there. In fact I don't see anything out of the ordinary only at night when your eyes really play tricks on you, but I don't think this guy only had encounters at night.

If it started with him seeing something completely out of the ordinary for the very, very first time. Prior to that he must have not been paranoid what so ever, Until he had his first encounter. Which rules out paranoia for most of the encounters.
Last edited by T0ribush; Sep 27, 2011 at 02:49 AM.
A 6 foot by 3 foot mirror in my parents bathroom randomly fell off the wall.
Glass everywhere.

No demons though; the glue holding the mirror to the apparently just gave out.
actually its proved that human brain use to translate immages percepted as humanoid faces or shapes (if close to some parameters) thats how some ppl can see jesus christ on a burned toast or things like that.
Probably the reflections were something like that you wasnt really focused and you saw something there wasnt there.
about the sound and sensation it can easly be just your immagination...

I kinda believe in presences... because I had experiences that proved me there is something really difficoult to explain. But i still sceptic about it.... our immagination is a powerful tool... when we are scared or in a determinated mood can happen that our immagination it deceive us
Ok, don't worry. I'm a professional at this. My theory is that a man and his daughter is living in your atic/basement/other hidden part of the house that you may not know about, or ever use. They come out at night sometimes to gather food and supplies. Since you said he whispered into your hair with his hot breath, he may be a pedophile. I've seen it happen before. A pedophile moves into a house, hides in the walls, and faps to the children he likes. It's pretty sick. Since you said the voice was really close it looks like this guy might end up trying to rape/molest you, so if you hear something like that again, run.

Hope this helps!
What isaac said sounds about right. That's most likely it.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
LiquidDoom, I've tried all of those and still I do not see my brain playing tricks on me. Also you would be able to tell the difference between your brain imagining shit and you actually seeing shit. If you can't then... I don't know, you would be pretty gullible. Oh, and you have to Concentrate for this to work. I'm quite positive he wasn't concentrating everytime he thought he saw something.

You own a cat which makes a huge difference. I've watched over a cat for a week and man, I couldn't stop randomly seeing cats at the corner of my eye for a long time which obviously weren't there. In fact I don't see anything out of the ordinary only at night when your eyes really play tricks on you, but I don't think this guy only had encounters at night.

If it started with him seeing something completely out of the ordinary for the very, very first time. Prior to that he must have not been paranoid what so ever, Until he had his first encounter. Which rules out paranoia for most of the encounters.

The brain likes to recognize things the best it can. The brain is also tricked very easily. I remember a video where a guy was saying da or ba repeatedly, and if they showed a video of the guy saying the other sound, then you'd hear that sound even though he was actually saying the first sound.

So like if he was saying da da da da, and they played video of him saying ba ba ba ba, you'd hear ba ba ba ba.

I can't find the video any more :/ if someone knows what it is I'm talking about link me please!

edit: found it

Just one of the many ways to trick the brain.
Last edited by isaac; Sep 27, 2011 at 03:07 AM.
Yeah, that happens. Something like on a shelf could be moving millimeters even nanometers a day, then finally it just gives in. Witnessed it a couple of times, quite a coincidence.

I also witnessed orbs of light in every picture my friends took, like I mean every picture.
At the same house the lamp shade flew off with a guy who probably had his very first encounter there because he was in awe and he asked "did you guys see that" We all did because we were playing guitar and watching TV on mute.

At another house the tea kettle makes a weird clicking noise for no reason, you would hear snoring which resembles their dad when he had naps upstairs, doors slamming shut with all windows closed. And trust me I know when the wind shuts a door, it starts a bit slow then gains a hell of a lot of momentum then closes. This was a full on slam that started with full momentum and ended in full momentum. This ghost follows my friends sister and all of this stopped happening when she moved out. Last year they had a christmas tree up on a small table and it was tossed atleast a meter away with the cloth it had under it, on it like it was tossed from the cloth and it was definatly not their cat because he came running up from the hallway looking extremely curious and not like he obviously did something wrong, which you would see normally if a cat broke a vase or something (they just have a hilarious guilty face, so do dogs)

hahaha, isaac. what a coincedence I also saw that video like 2 nights ago, but I got it correct the first time, because da and ba coming from the mouth looks different. I don't need to here the sound to know what some people are saying. Wasn't that on a documentary or something?
Last edited by T0ribush; Sep 27, 2011 at 03:04 AM.
I believe people have seen my thread, similar to this, so I'm going to have to part with OP. Quite strange, but not 'haunted'. Perhaps 'spirits' teasing you. Remember, not all things are bad.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
It sounds like bullshit; most of them are just the ordinary, typical, idiotic story that all the losers tell.
If it's not, then I don't know.
Tint is sex.
[QUOTE=Lopsin;4695671]Well, if those stories were true, yes.
A little girl is haunting you.
She might have lived in that house in the past, or do you have a graveyard near your house? A lot of hauntings happen when the dead is disturbed...
yes,there is cemetarys in our town
if it helps any,2 people have died in this house upstairs,
Last edited by tug23; Sep 27, 2011 at 11:40 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump