Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by NoneName View Post
Originally Posted by Trials View Post
Originally Posted by NoneName View Post
guys im woking on an elevator tut now.. il edit in a moment..

EDIT: here it is...


Nr 1: the Throne elevator.

The throne elevator is basicly an elevator with a big plank on top of it its mostly used to make sure you get on the platform you want to get on (normaly used by semi-pro's)

to make this1: take 2 big planks and put them on top of eachother, than creat another1 with a rotating join (n) on the bottom one near the bottom of it, if you place it to high you create a unstable trampoline.

1 you could create an unstable trampoline if done wrong
2 you can get stuck under the platform if you aim wrong

Nr 2: the elevator.

The elevator is a basic elevator.. a bad quality elevator that usaly fails to get evrybody on the platform you want them to get on (mostly used by noobs)

How to make: first you take a long plank, than you create another long plank with a rotated joint (n) and connect it in the middle.


1 you can fall easly
2 you can get stuck under the platfrom
3 you can get stuck between the 2 planks that are rotating to eachother
4 the elevator could fall if aimed wrong

Nr 3: The walk-over elevator. (credits to: Dodekus)

This elevator is the 1 with the most chance of succeeding. A high quality elevator with 1 small plank to prevent falling off the back and 1 small plank to walk on the platform you need to get on. (mostly used by pro's)

How to make: first you take 2 long planks and put them on eachother, than you create a small rotated plank (with x or mouse wheel) and force it (c) on the top pank. than create an other small plank and rotate it to vertical and force it to the other side, next you take a long plank with a rotating join (n) and put it on the bottom long plank..


1 you could get stuck under platform if aimed wrong

Nr 4: the dubble elevator.

This elevator is the elevator that reaches the highest of all.. easy to fall off and a bad rate of succeeding. (mostly used by Pro shaman noobs)

How to make this one: first you create 4 long planks and put them on eachother.. than create a long plank with a rotating joint on the second (from top), do the same with the last (from top) as quick as you can.


1 you can fall off..
2 you can get stuck under platform

(you may not coppy or quote this in a message, send to others, or use elsewere without my premission)

What wasn't I meant to quote?

all of it...

So I shouldn't quote any part of it?