You turn into him. And then get captured and disected for scientific knowledge.

I wish that I had every single game console in excistance.
I Wanna Be A Minority
you would end up getting tangled in a power line and get electrocuted to death and noone would notice you were gone because everyone hated you because you were a douchebag when you were bragging about your super power

I wanna wii
then you'd zoom into space and see an alien having a shit and he'd get angry and fry you with a laser gun

i wish i had a laser gun! BUAHAHAHAHAHHA! to destroy the world XD
genital warriors PLAY NOW!
rape fighting game
the laser gun is almightily powerful and when you try to destroy your grandpas oldie car the laser bounces off of the chrome bumper and hits you square between your eyes

i wanna work at google
you get the job then mess up the website so it only shows XXX sites

i wanna be able to run around the world in 30 secs
Have A Nice Day/Night/Afternoon/Evening/etc.
you would be going so fast that your eyes pop right out of their sockets and the friction of your feet kitting the grounnd so fast would basically grind off your feet and eventually shred you into a red powder that some redneck would find and put on his chile

I wanna have white hair
then all the ladies would think you're old and you would die from masturbation as a virgin

i wish i had 4 arms
genital warriors PLAY NOW!
rape fighting game