Original Post
An Optional Vote kick
Everybody knows that when you start toribash Chances are, online youre going to face people who will annoy the Crap out of you, Or just troll in general.

A solution to that might be A Vote kick.

A vote kick is almost self explanatory, You could Bring up
a poll and somebody would type 1 or 2 For a kick. 1 being
yes and 2 being no. It would really solve the problem in
servers like Boxing or Judo where there isnt an opped person
and You can do is just sit back and watch them Troll or you
have to leave.

A Vote Ban might work the same way. Or it could be automatic
On the 3rd kick maybe. It would make the game alot more fun
To keep a fair Democracy upon the players.

Boy this was a long post. Dont lose interest.
Originally Posted by elvis View Post
What if say some people are in a room.

And this person starts streaking and beating everyone.

If this vote kick is used on the person, would it be fair for him/her.

Think of the negative side of things people.

A private room would not matter if it was fair or not. If the owner or friends of the owner of said room decide to kick said player, they have the right to do so seeing how it's their room.

In another note, I like this idea. But it needs improvement. The addition that staff members can overlook these votekicks must be added to this if such suggestion is implemented into the game. Disabling it for tourneys is also a must. Not just tourneys though, all official servers. The reason for all official servers having this disabled is the simple fact people can still make TC off of these servers. Here's my suggestion as a addition to this idea, have it be toggable in private rooms so say a player hosts a bet server; he'd need to disable votekicks so people don't rage and votekick the best player out.

Supported(With the additions).
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Originally Posted by elite867 View Post
The idea itself isn't bad, but what if you are winning a torney and everyone else decides to kick. In my opinion a way to improve it would be to keep your idea and when you choose to kick someone you especify your reasons and then maybe the mods check if it was legit.

This would be great, but there is one problem, you have to assign one of the moderators to monitor and manage all of the votes, which doesn't sound like a job people would really want.


Originally Posted by DonutFatal View Post
A private room would not matter if it was fair or not. If the owner or friends of the owner of said room decide to kick said player, they have the right to do so seeing how it's their room.

In another note, I like this idea. But it needs improvement. The addition that staff members can overlook these votekicks must be added to this if such suggestion is implemented into the game. Disabling it for tourneys is also a must. Not just tourneys though, all official servers. The reason for all official servers having this disabled is the simple fact people can still make TC off of these servers. Here's my suggestion as a addition to this idea, have it be toggable in private rooms so say a player hosts a bet server; he'd need to disable votekicks so people don't rage and votekick the best player out.

Supported(With the additions).

Cant they vote kick you out of your own private room?

Cant others join and be a douche likee

This guy is beating us all up lets vote kick him out

Lets vote kick the hoster out, Lets vote kick each other out

There are lots of douches in toribash and of course they would use this as a reasoon
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Vote Kick/Ban
Lots of people on toribash these days go around annoying and hating people. Some do it everyday. Some a one time thing but i know some of you are going to be like. " Ingore them" but this is very annoying. When i played Toribash ages ago a certain someone would enter Tournuments and win. If he/she was going to lose a round they would make themselfs lag out by tabbing ect... If More than half the room is annoyed with the person and thinks he is being a douch you can kick/ban for hours or mabey even days. But it would really teach them a lesson to show its not funny to be a dick. Tts just being an asshole. people might overuse this in ways of kicking someone just because they are new. This is something that might be a downside for new players which might limit the chances of this going on toribash. People might use it for an unfair advantage.
Been suggested before, example you get this annoying noob who keep shoveling, all of you voted on him to get kicked, he gets kicked problem solved, but there's a player who's good in toribash and keeps winning (without shoveling) and all of you voted on him to get kicked, and he get's kicked, that's the problem.
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
Or, you and a bunch of other trolls (you have a large troll army) go around servers, vote kicking everyone because your army outnumbers the people in the servers.
Be warned, @#w#@. They are coming.
PLEASE NO oh god when I used to play combat arms I got kicked from a server because I had a streak going and they said I was hacking (yet again there are lots of hackers on that game)
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Vote to kick system
Have you guys ever got so annoyed in a public server you wanted them to be kicked? This is just a suggestion or so. But i want a vote to kick system. As in Rolandman chose to kick Person! (1-3) Bugbunny6 Chose to kick Person! (2-3). Hepatitis chose to kick Person! (3-3) Person successfully kicked. I would love something like that. Just to make the trolls get away.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan