Originally Posted by Take-Out_Ninja View Post
That is every conservative censor's point of view. Seriously.

Only ignorant parents can disregard their child enough to make them think that shooting coke raping whores etc, is ok. Why the media blames videogames, music, movies, FUCKING ANYTHING for teen suicide, crime etc is completely beyond me. Ratings are here for a reason. It's these dipshits' faults for not applying and using a tool that could prevent this. Because FUCKING DECENT PARENTING isn't enough apparently...

Absolutely wrong.

"fucking decent parenting" doesnt exist, at large, anymore.

Now days, and I know I am generalizing but, no parent was raised by a parent who was raised by a parent who qualified as a good parent!

It's all about society, "progress" (of what, i ask!), sensationalistic media and entertainment (which includes science(-fiction) and technology more than REALITY.) venues.
People always want to blame the universe for "influencing my child" but dont want to take responsibility to influence them, themselves.

Furthermore, the majority of people are brought to believe there is only "one right way" or that life is black and white, all or nothing.

As a result, you wind up with a lot more insanity than civilization wants to take responsibility for CREATING.

The solution?

Blame information, censor it and make sure no one can access it unless they have privileged authority.

Does it work?
I sure as hell dont think so.

But can we do without it?
Not after breeding this much "civilized" insanity, co-dependence (read: dominance/submission, NOT interdependence), and irresponsible finger pointing blame.

The current solution? Look back to nature and remember where we all came from, learn to coexist as our ancestors had to, for their very survival. Remember how we are all interrelated with the world through our interactions and ability to relate with our environment. Recognize the interdependent nature of the eco system, and learn how to be a part of it, rather than apart from it.

Nature breeds interdependence, Industry breeds dominance/submission.

Black and white? you are either a dominant or a submissive.


Interdependence? We're all working together to teach each other everything we can about respect, responsibility, humility, and compassion.
Last edited by WibbleWarrior; May 9, 2010 at 04:06 AM.
True indeed. Damn I need to stop listening to those Jello Biafra spoken word CDs :/
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks
My opinoin why they have censor ship is because parents dont want kids watching things inaporpreit so the government made things censored
Originally Posted by Nolanrules View Post
My opinoin why they have censor ship is because parents dont want kids watching things inaporpreit so the government made things censored


jokes aside, i am strongly against censoring. i don't really need to state why, because i'd just be repeating everyone else in this thread. ratings are silly and pointless, anyway, now that every kid knows how to use the internet for music/movies/etc etc - not that they were ever useful anyway. will i be more damaged by seeing a james bond movie when i'm 14 than when i'm 15? i don't think so. would i even be damaged at all? doubt it. parents need to step up, but that won't happen, because if their children are fucked up - it's because of that music they listened to. or all those violent movies, or videogames. hey, remember whose supposed to "control" what music they listen to, what movies they watch or what games/how much they play. not that i'm even pro-parental censoring when it comes to information and music, anyway.

just like to state that my brothers have been playing "awful" games like GTA since they learned how to hold a controller, and they're not shittier than any shitty kid around. not in ways a game would cause them to be, anyway.

not looking forward to this fucked up generation becoming parents.
Last edited by dalir; May 9, 2010 at 04:39 PM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Dalir you took took the words right out of my mouth. Censorship is stupid something that wouldn't affect you at 13 is not gonna make much of a difference when you are 12.
Fuck censorship, every child is fucked up anyway, wanting to be like what they see on TV, Nobody can be themselves anymore, Everyone wants to be "cool" or "accepted" so they have to be like everyone else, theres no point in censorship, because "good" parenting doesn't exist, this world is fucked, every Prep and Jock is fucked up, and every cheerleader is a whore, attention whore etc.
Last edited by bucket_old; May 9, 2010 at 05:11 PM.
Why does milk taste so great after eating brownies?
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post

jokes aside, i am strongly against censoring. i don't really need to state why, because i'd just be repeating everyone else in this thread. ratings are silly and pointless, anyway, now that every kid knows how to use the internet for music/movies/etc etc - not that they were ever useful anyway. will i be more damaged by seeing a james bond movie when i'm 14 than when i'm 15? i don't think so. would i even be damaged at all? doubt it. parents need to step up, but that won't happen, because if their children are fucked up - it's because of that music they listened to. or all those violent movies, or videogames. hey, remember whose supposed to "control" what music they listen to, what movies they watch or what games/how much they play. not that i'm even pro-parental censoring when it comes to information and music, anyway.

just like to state that my brothers have been playing "awful" games like GTA since they learned how to hold a controller, and they're not shittier than any shitty kid around. not in ways a game would cause them to be, anyway.

not looking forward to this fucked up generation becoming parents.

Lol'd and i agree with you
Originally Posted by ivolt View Post

Nuff said...

I think that pretty much summed up everyones opinion rather well.
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks
I think about 40% of everyones argument goes down the shitter when you see things like this.

ffs they're only in 1st grade.
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks