Originally Posted by filip95 View Post
waaaa just found a really cool slipknot song... its called Requiem its sooo awesome :3

How can you "find" a new song by your favorite band?
Bootlegs and rare live performances aside.
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

oi i just did a assessment/performance of Slipknot - Duality
and had full drums and everything
i was on guitar and it was so awesome.
got 30/30 but it was sooo fun
Originally Posted by houtz335 View Post
Wow I just dont understand why people like Slipknot, it takes 11 members to sound like shit. Try listening to older metal if you want actually good songs instead of this Nu-Metal shit.

Man you hit the nail on the head.

I was gonna say exactly the same thing.
Nu-Metal can suck my dick. It's going nowhere except onto the shelves of try hard metal boppers.
Originally Posted by Peter1212 View Post
Man you hit the nail on the head.

I was gonna say exactly the same thing.
Nu-Metal can suck my dick. It's going nowhere except onto the shelves of try hard metal boppers.

Feh. Says you.
My iPod is fucking stacked with 90's and early 00's music. I still love some Slipknot songs. Still love most of Fear Factory's stuff, some Static X, christ help me even some Linkin Park. And the THPS3 soundtrack will remain on my iPod forever. Most Nu Metal is good to me because it's consistent.
It varies in sound from song to song, but keeps a particular feel for each song. There's no arty cellos or shit. They start with drums, guitar and vocals, and they end with it. There's nothing wrong with liking softcore metal such as Slipknot. Sure, they're not as good as others, but they're not crap.