Ok, you guys out of all seriousness, we need teachers, so i was wandering if you guys would let my branch out to a few of the higher belt clans i know that have good friendly members and ally them? So our students who get their black belt and graduate can go into one of the allied clans and we can receive teachers from our allies?
Last edited by FrinJeka; Apr 9, 2012 at 11:19 AM.
Originally Posted by FrinJeka View Post
Ok, you guys out of all seriousness, we need teachers, so i was wandering if you guys would let my branch out to a few of the higher belt clans i know that have good friendly members and ally them? So our students who get their black belt and graduate can go into one of the allied clans and we can receive teachers from our allies?

That would be corrupt. We won't make "deals" with certain clans that allow them to take our former students. The students should apply for the clans they want.

If you really want to help, then try asking some of the better players to teach here. No "deals".

Side note: Belt has nothing to do with skill.
I know, i wasn't thinking deal wise, i was thinking more as if since they people who ran the clan knew our students, that our students would be able to make friends with the clans so they would probably have a better chance of getting in.And by higher belt clans i meant not schools.

Oh and welcome back Ray, been a while since you've posted.
Last edited by FrinJeka; Apr 10, 2012 at 08:20 AM.
I think we should have an bot.
It will be good to have something to control servers while the begginers are training.
Also when the teachers are there they could just get the bot to sp and make them ocntrol server while they are teaching.

May the force be with you maŽam.