Name/Nickname (include past accounts):UberDeath
How Much In Game (1-10):7-8
Forum Activity (1-10):4-5
Best Mods:judo.tbm
Do You Enter Tourneys (lobbies #40-48 and GMTourney)?:yes most of the time
Who Recommended You?:no 1
Anything Else:no
Originally Posted by Molotov5 View Post
Oh cool he raged at me like 3 times after every time I've beaten him in a fight.
Also congrats on chiefrex death member for quitting during a 500tc lenshuu tournament. Nobody ever posts here, I'm guessing this is an invite only clan now? Most of the members haven't even posted in here and I think it is reasonable for this clan to be shutdown. The leader is also never on, but rap is usually on ingame.

So technically this is a clan that was failing from the start, then the leader made a fast decision of ranking up people. Rapmaster was promoted co-leader because he fought piepwn and won. Please some forum admin, or super mods or such. If you could think about a shutting this down it would probably be best for the community. Just being active ingame and having a little tag that says death, and raging in wars doesn't mean this is a real clan. Highly doubt there has been an activity check in a while now. Only people that haven't been on in over a week are Rapmaster and tacknife but he is a new member.

If your a forums admin, or person with forum powers, plead take your time to read this. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Jammui View Post
I hardly see this clan ingame, there inactive, this clan should be moved to the "Dead clans"

Someone agrees with me.
Name/Nickname (past accounts) : Gombalan
Age : 13 years old
How much ingame (1-10) : 8-9
Forum activity (1-10) : 8-9
Best mods : Aikido and Aikido Big Dojo
Do you enters tourneys (lobbies #40-48 and GM tourney) : Yes I often go to tourney
Who recommended you : No one I just want to join by myself
Anything else : No
i like this clan
How Much In Game:10
Forum Activity:8
Best Mods:judo9,tunisword and josting9
Do You Enter Tourneys:no
Who Recommended You?:no one
Anything Else:i would like to join the clan and help the clan[/QUOTE]

well this is my app I didn't know if I should write it out like everyone else I wanted to break the cycle a bit, yes that was a fallen reference as I have been in there clan and the darkrage, I ame very active but dont let ths main fool you I had another acc called splitpony who was in the mylittle clan, witch is one of the most active clans in the fourm, oh and the names jesse but in game its blindwrath as you can see. I am in game nearly everyday... and no I'm not a fat guy sitting in front of a screen, I 15, I'm a boy and I would like to join this clan I am a brown belt on both acc's. I live in england but I'm only saying this so you know theres a time differens, I do go into tourneys judo mainly being as that the mod I'm good at but I do other mods like aikido. I was not asked by anyone but I feel worthy enough to join the clan. anything else? if you want to know just ask.
This clan seems very neglected, i suggest some members post OR SOMETHING, as this is an old clan of mine i dont want to see you fail... but... sigh...
"Slaughter is the b3st medicine"
b3st you dont understand, there were some good 2009 clans back then that were shutdown, and this is 10x as worse as most of the clans that were shutdown.