Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Joint Power Control
so yeah...
Toribash will be much better if we can control the power of our joints
so we can stand up without jumping for 10 meters in -9 gravity
it'll also help at moving and parkouring
and we can make a better moves and without cloning each other

and to choose the power of the joint
we must choose a number between 1 and 100
so 1-10% is like relaxing
11-20% is little faster
and like that
100% is like moving the joints as we know them
it can be also just normal numbers like 1-10
but I think that 1-100% is more creative
So yeah...
so yeah...
Toribash will be much better if we can control the power of our joints
so we can stand up without jumping for 10 meters in -9 gravity
it'll also help at moving and parkouring
and we can make a better moves and without cloning each other

and to choose the power of the joint
we must choose a number between 1 and 100
so 1-10% is like relaxing
11-20% is little faster
and like that
100% is like moving the joints as we know them
it can be also just normal numbers like 1-10
but I think that 1-100% is more creative

It would be so hard to control,but helpful for parkour and sparring.
But to practice it would be insane(Some Argentinian english)

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Running away...
Instead of adding it to the game, make a script for it. In singleplayer, this will truly help realism for the eeplay makers but in multiplayer? Give me a break .-. This will cause much more problems for the developers.and not just that, this will just make toribash more complicated as usual. '0'

in other words, not supported.
An easy way you could contorl this would be like this: If you single click the mouse, the joint will be at full power, just like normal. But if you hold down the mouse button, a power bar will show up next to the joint. It will slowly go down from full power to no power and when you let go of the mouse that will be the new power of the joint.
The game is fine as it is. There is no need to change the game's concept. This will make the game more complicated, and do you think we want to 'learn' something else after playing the game for years?
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Bringer of Hell
Originally Posted by MacSparrow View Post
An easy way you could contorl this would be like this: If you single click the mouse, the joint will be at full power, just like normal. But if you hold down the mouse button, a power bar will show up next to the joint. It will slowly go down from full power to no power and when you let go of the mouse that will be the new power of the joint.

finally someone understood me
but not buy holding mouse
maybe pressing 'M' to show power metter
So yeah...
This would be awesome to add in but only for sp. This would make replays so much more complex. Just find find a solid system for it.

The only way I could see this working at all would be with the mouse wheel, and moving it from 1% - 100% (as you previously said) but even then, with reaction time during MP it would be too hard to judge every single joint's power.

Also, every player wanting to use this feature would need the mouse wheel. I cant see how else you would do it, maybe a code like /jointpower rightpec 50 or something, but then that would only work in spars and SP.

Also, there have been many posts like this, where people would suggest different mechanics ideas like joint angles or something, and well, all of them were shot down.

I mean, I see where you're coming from, but I think it changes the game too much, its too hard to judge the "power" of a joint from 1-100, and dev's wont implement it.

edit, maybe if you were to go in increments of 25 would work.
ex. moving the mouse wheel one click would be 25%, another 50%
This would also make the people who use the mouse wheel as their joint mover slightly angry ;)
Veni , Vidi , Vici
^as someone who has used mouse wheel for a solid year and a half:
no pls

Go onto steam, all of the negative reviews for toribash are how 'it's too hard' or how 'it doesn't tell me what to do'.
this idea really wont help.
It isn't just the difficulty. This removes a lot of skill necessary from the game. What is the point of playing if you don't relax and hold your joints to get the necessary control out of your movements? it would completely wreck any skills that current "good" players have.
I hate all of you.