Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Wow, and to think just this monday my sister was sent to a Church Camp because it was extremely affordable, rather than another like outdoor hiking camp or something. No wonder it was affordable, fuck.

I laughed my ass off during the video when the chick was talking to some kid, and she was asking him what he would do if someone like his teacher said, "Creationism isn't real!" and stuff like that, and all the kid said was, "I wouldn't mind it". Another funny part was like 5 seconds after that when she said something about how science isn't real and there is no proof whatsoever of science.

Going to move when I'm 18 etc.
Religion isn't something bad , we humans are just to stupid to use it right .
The reason why we shouldn't have religion at all . If we would be able to let everyone decide by their own what they believe this shit wouldn't happen but this day will never come . So religion espicially we humans are the root of the evil not the religion at all . There will be always assholes that abuse religion to start wars and other stuff
Videoshop:www.youtube.com/eistea1(Only good replays )TEO http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...80#post4333680 your favorite satanist
Of course, but if religion didn't exist, then the problems caused by it wouldn't either. The cause is the effect. It's a catch 22.
Originally Posted by Alaistier View Post
Of course, but if religion didn't exist, then the problems caused by it wouldn't either. The cause is the effect. It's a catch 22.

The problem here has nothing to do with religion. The issue is extremism and forcing opinions and world views onto children too young to fully understand the consequences. Militant atheists are every bit as bad as fundamentalist christians.
What I'm saying is, without religion there wouldn't be those extremists and militants. No, I'm not calling for a overthrow of religion, just pointing it out. Without tobacco, there wouldn't be a problem with cigarettes, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying all of religion is bad.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post

Parents tell kids all kinds of lies to get them to 'act proper'.
Isn't it at least refreshing that they are doing it because they believe rather than just to make the kid act right?

Sure, the reasons they're doing it are somewhat good (so their kids don't rot in hell), but say if they were raised in the KKK, and they were making them recite hate speech and whatnot. The KKK believes they're doing good (so the African-Americans don't fuck everything up(or something, I can't relate to their beliefs, soo.)) Same thing, for the most part.

I'm not talking about all religion, btw. Only the Christian extremism shown in the video. I think religion would be fine if parents would let their kids believe what they will on their own.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
I think religion would be fine if parents would let their kids believe what they will on their own.

That is the main problem they don't care what's good for their kids most of them only care about their own opinion (or they think they would help their kid raising them up as christ )
Videoshop:www.youtube.com/eistea1(Only good replays )TEO http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...80#post4333680 your favorite satanist
Alaistier this is only one camp most camps are acctually religious *in the right way* ive been to a few camps like that one, but i went to this one Penn-york and it was so much better becuase they didnt make you speak in toungue, and all the staff would ask if you needed somehting if you walked up to them even if you didnt wanthelp but they still asked. Im not trying to convert anyone but this is just a small fraction of the christian religion. that womans just f**ked up.
Wombo Combooooooo
Originally Posted by swiftone1 View Post
Alaistier this is only one camp most camps are acctually religious *in the right way* ive been to a few camps like that one, but i went to this one Penn-york and it was so much better becuase they didnt make you speak in toungue, and all the staff would ask if you needed somehting if you walked up to them even if you didnt wanthelp but they still asked. Im not trying to convert anyone but this is just a small fraction of the christian religion. that womans just f**ked up.

There's a satire someone recently posted on reddit( http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comm..._join_the_kkk/ ) I think you might like it.

I went to church camp when I was ~9. It wasn't as extremist as this. We mostly did fun camp-like stuff and then had worship at night.