Turns out, I'm not as good at Lenshu as I though.
Put me down for that if you need, but I prefer Erthtkv2 and JudoFrac.
father of philip scone
I might be decent at greykido if you need me. I tend to fuck up in the first few turn frames and spend the rest of the game with my face about a centimetre from the ground desperately scrambling to avoid dq. It is more effective than you might think. I will try and practice when I finish revising.
Good morning sweet princess
Alright guys, round 1 started. Our first opponent is called "Never Yielding Anime Addicts".

Let's try to get a team of 4 players together and fight 'em soon.
Deadline is in 7 days.
Ok good luck guys. what about donkey, he lives on the other side of the world from me. It will be hard to cordinate.
I probably won't be very active in the next 2 weeks because tests and all.
But I might be able to get in the war if it's wednesday, thursday or friday.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Ok guys, please post the time/day you preffer to play, so we can agree on a better time for us. After this I will contact our opponent to define the schedule accordingly.
I can do it from today to Thursday. My bday is Saturday so I'll be gone from Friday to Monday. And any time is ok for me.
Please don't allow me to be part of this.
I'm really, really bad at toribash ingame. More of a forumite, to be honest.
Silver Elite Master. Fml.
Ele | Morals | JackMorris