Originally Posted by Banned View Post
I will continue to fat shame people.

Shows what kind of person you are.

Originally Posted by Banned View Post
All you have done is made excuses to why they can't lose weight, I'd say not a single one of your arguments is valid.

I have no valid arguments? Let's make a list of my arguments and yours

You: people can live on oatmeal and lettuce alone
Me: oatmeal contains a below average amount of nutrients, lettuce is water
You: *silence*

You: "Its funny everything you say has a simple solution. "
Me: (waiting for them)
You: *silence*

You: i wasn't responding to your post.
Me: but you quoted me?

You: McDonalds is more expensive than WalMart healthy foods
Me: you didn't calculate in all the extra fuss such as gas and cooking that comes with it. You pay 99 cents for a meal ready to eat at McDonalds.
You: *silence*

You: diets aren't expensive, anyone can follow them
Me: give me proof
You: *silence*

You: blabbering about metabolism
Me: What are you talking about? <explanation about what cell respiration is (base of metabolism)>
You: *silence*

You: you never counterargue, none of your arguments are valid
Me: -> see above

Verdict: you have made 0 sense in this thread and have failed to comprehend basic logic I have used. When I debunked one of your silly theories (e.g. the one about McDonalds being more expensive than healthy, homemade food), you went completely silent. I think it's good that you're giving up now. Apparently there's a limit to how much unfunded muttering someone can spew out before they give up and quit.
f=m*a syens
Already commented on the lettuce and oatmeal. Every time you posted an excuse I posted something to do to fix said problem. If you would like to make you a budget for around $50 including gas/electricity I guess I could do that I believe I offered too. I'm sure I can post a pretty elementary diet that would be beneficial to most over weight people for a decent price. I guess if you make under 15k a year just be fat though. Calling a .99 burger from mcD's a meal. Jokes. Implying you would eat only 1 burger from McDonald's. jokes. It's a fact diet and exercise will help overweight people lose weight. You may have a better grasp on the scientific side of metabolism, grats. But your argument has jumped from excuse to excuse. I'm on my iPad but if you want I'll pull them up when I'm at my pc.
Originally Posted by Banned View Post
Already commented on the lettuce and oatmeal. Every time you posted an excuse I posted something to do to fix said problem. If you would like to make you a budget for around $50 including gas/electricity I guess I could do that I believe I offered too. I'm sure I can post a pretty elementary diet that would be beneficial to most over weight people for a decent price. I guess if you make under 15k a year just be fat though. Calling a .99 burger from mcD's a meal. Jokes. Implying you would eat only 1 burger from McDonald's. jokes. It's a fact diet and exercise will help overweight people lose weight. You may have a better grasp on the scientific side of metabolism, grats. But your argument has jumped from excuse to excuse. I'm on my iPad but if you want I'll pull them up when I'm at my pc.

Also, I never implied you took only one burger. Say you ate 10 of them per day. That's ~80 dollars per week if you drink some nice soda with it too. You save money on gas, electricity, a fridge and most of all time. Try and eat a balanced diet for 80 dollars per week, but count in the electricity for your fridge, your fridge, your furnace, your gas and the time you've lost.
Sure, why not go on your PC and pick them all. I'm waiting.
f=m*a syens
@Banned. We do learn, we have gym class and P.E, they keep them separate for some reason. P.E we spend 30-40 minutes learning about the body and how it works. We learn about diets and all that, the teachers don't stand for slackers either, they want you going like you never have been before.
If it's mental problems, poverty, medicine or a disorder, you shouldn't blame them.

-Start with your 1st argument a very wide scope of possible things that could keep your form losing weight easily. Most can be over come with proper diet and exercise, with more serious ones you may have to consult a nutritionist, your doctor, and/or a personal trainer to help you. Other ones you just have to stop being such a bitch about it.

Second point eating cheap mcD's is faster, easier, and more cost effective.

-I'll get to this. But lets remember there is no direct correlation between time and money. If you're making anywhere near minimum wage lets assume your time is not worth much.

3rd point minimum wage +2dollars/hour can't afford healthy food. They will have to sacrifice their social lives.

-A wide set of variables here. Living costs, what your social life consists of, bills you may or may not have to pay. The list just goes on and on.

4th, you explained Metabolism.


5th Also, I never implied you took only one burger. Say you ate 10 of them per day. That's ~80 dollars per week if you drink some nice soda with it too. You save money on gas, electricity, a fridge and most of all time. Try and eat a balanced diet for 80 dollars per week, but count in the electricity for your fridge, your fridge, your furnace, your gas and the time you've lost.
Sure, why not go on your PC and pick them all. I'm waiting.

" You pay 99 cents for a meal ready to eat at McDonalds." <--- not implication confirmed. Save gas? Another wide variable, I guess if you live next door to a fast food place and are not within biking/walking distance of a supermarket you could save gas. Electricity for your fridge, uhm ok I guess you just have your fridge unplugged all the time? Get real. Splitting hairs on the money for electricity, I can't calculate how much money opening a fridge and having a light on in the kitchen for idk half an hour costs. Never mind I can. I can probably see how much cooking meals on a gas stove costs per year I'm sure that's on the net somewhere. Your time is next to worthless. Ok so even though this is the worst most specific situation which has no place in a debate I guess I'll give it a chance. Assuming I'm not within walking distance of a supermarket, that there is a fast food chain next door to you, that I have a fridge and the you do not own a fridge, that you do not use any electricity in the time it takes me to prepare a meal and that that I have my kitchen light on for 1 hour. Anything I'm missing? Want to make sure that light bulb isn't an energy saver bulb?
Ok my light bulb in my kitchen will cost me $2.45 a year, based on the average cost of electricity per kilowatt in my state, using a pretty standard 60watt light bulb. ~.35 A week. We are down too $79.65

I came up with $3.15 a week to run my fridge. I'll post the sites I used to calculate this. So we are down to $76.50. I'd say the convenience of a fridge is defiantly not worth $163/year

"With this measure, the average block group in 2000 had a population density of 219,000 people per five mile radius." For arguments sake I'm going to assume you're one of the millions of people who live in a 5 mile radius of Walmart. The numbers are a bit dated, I'd assume more people live within 5 miles of Walmart now then ever before. If you want to argue this feel free to pull up your own statistics. Also I'm now to fat to just ride a bike 10 miles with some groceries.

Ok so $3.60 was the national average for the United States in 2012 according to AAA. Ok so the average MPG of a new car sold in 2008(Yeah I'm broke but mommy and daddy bought me a 2008 model car) was 20.9 MPG. So 10 miles there and back, at 20 mpg, I'm rounding because this is a lot of math wasted on hypothetical situations. I use half a gallon or $1.80 a trip. I'm not a retard so I make 1 trip a week. so we are now at $74.70.

Time to start shopping for a healthy diet that will help you lose weight for a, on $74.70 a week. Unless you have any other insane super specific constraints you would like me to factor in to this? I'm probably going to do this tomorrow due to it being late and I would rather go do something with the rest of my Saturday. Jaykay. I'm back because my gf wants to go to a meteor shower at 2am.

I almost missed the stove. We are going to make another wild assumption here. I know this isn't how I cook every meal every day but for simplicity I will just factor in that I use 3 burners at medium heat for an hour each day. 1 burner used for 1 hour per meal plus 20 minutes using the oven per meal per day. Yes this is overkill I highly doubt I use my stove that much for every meal, actually I know I don't but I'm just going to keep it simple. I'm going to save myself some more math and round the national average per therm cost to $1 if you want to do the math I actually believe it comes out to less then a dollar. So with this handy dandy calculator I find I would spend about $105 a year. $2.01 a week to run my stove. We now have $72.69. Well think of all the fat you could be with that $7 and some change.
Last edited by Banned; Aug 12, 2013 at 07:54 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
My genes have survived through thousands of years of evolution and progress, I should not be forced to be in the same presence as a fat person.

Fat people have clearly put no effort in to improving themselves, and if they have they evidently gave up rather quickly. What this means is they are weak, not only physically, but also mentally. Imagine living your whole life being unable to be comfortable with your own body simply because you can't put in the effort. I don't have time for that type of person. When I see a person who's fat they might as well just say "Hi I'm lazy and I'm not capable of work or dedication".

If I was a job recruiter it would be a perfect filter. Force applicants to list bodyfat % on their resumee, and if they are over 15% and are not a power lifter or strength athlete they aren't even considered. People will call this judgemental and discrimination, it is. I am discriminating a negative contributor to society by denying him or her work, or in an everyday sense, by treating them with less respect than I treat a normal person.

I would go even further as to deny severely obese people basic human rights, because to me, at the point of morbid obesity they aren't humans, they are space occupiers. I would set up camps which we would send all the obese "people" and they would be giving a proper diet plan and forced to exercise until the weight is lost. They have 2 years to get to a respectable weight, and if they are unable to stay dedicated to the program they are executed. Kids of obese parents will be taken away and given to a normal family so they can grow up happy and healthy without feeling self conscious.

There are 7 billion people on this world, we're running out of space and resources, you don't deserve to live just because you're alive.
the god
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Also, I never implied you took only one burger. Say you ate 10 of them per day. That's ~80 dollars per week if you drink some nice soda with it too. You save money on gas, electricity, a fridge and most of all time. Try and eat a balanced diet for 80 dollars per week, but count in the electricity for your fridge, your fridge, your furnace, your gas and the time you've lost.
Sure, why not go on your PC and pick them all. I'm waiting.

here, there's a girl on tumblr that can (and will) debunk every delusion you have about obesity

why dont you give her an ask
shmevin eats smegma
I actually can't find the prices of groceries online for Wally World. I might actually have to tally it up next time I got the grocery store. But until then I took it upon myself to find some articles for you to read. Please enjoy. The second one is my favorite. Before you jump on my case Redundant this is all relevant to the topic at hand. The issue of poverty as it applies to obesity is a long debated topic. The last one is good too, I recommend reading the whole thing. Oh and fat people aren't affecting me? Read that last paragraph, you never think my tax money goes to these people?

Keep asking me for more proof on any subject related to obesity, it'll take all of 2 minutes to find studies and scientific backing. Its a fact, being fat is bad, every human on this planet has the ability to lose weight. Also I don't use tumblr but I like this girls style. Lets see what our fat advocate can come up with.
Last edited by Banned; Aug 12, 2013 at 08:26 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I personally don't shame larger people, but i don't think its a bad thing, because at some point the larger people will get sick of taking peoples shit and lose some weight. thus shaming them actually kinda helps them.
But nobody should be demeaned to the point of mental trauma.
Oh I don't just walk out of my house and start yelling at fat people. But when one decides to piss me off I wont pull punches when it comes to their weight.

Another example some asshole(larger man) in subway says "nice skid marks" As a haha we can see your underwear because your basketball shorts are falling a little. It was a long morning, at it since about 6am didn't sleep well and I wasn't in the mood. Told him to shovel another meatball sub into his fatass and that my shorts wouldn't fit on one of his massive thighs. Was kicked out of Subway.
Last edited by Banned; Aug 12, 2013 at 09:54 AM.