Originally Posted by Skazz View Post
Mip, I'm warning you again. Cut the crap, or face the consequences. You've gone far enough editing out moderator remarks and generally being an ass. Now you steal MrPoptart's avatar?
One more awkward squeak from you, and you're getting reported as an especially obnoxious element. Go ahead. Try us.

did you ppl real think i wanted to keep that avatar i just used it to see what ppl say and how long it takes skazz to make up a new rule.
A suggestion i had is for normal people to be able to like Vote to have a Mod Approved

What i mean is that the mod with the most Votes will be bumped to the top of the approval list and a mod can see how many votes it has

Ps. mr. P can you approve my mod Waterfall_of_doom :] i rember every one saying it would make a great Mp mod
Now with 100% less angst
The approval system seems to be going through a hiccup at the moment. Please be patient; the nature of the problem is being researched.

Don't go bugging admins about it, nothing you say will make them fix it faster.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Wait, im a n00b here and I dont realy know whats going on, but why do people have to approove mods? and also theirs that line under your name like:
seinior member
whats that?

and whats that link in the begging of the thread about?
It's like this: when people make a mod, they can post a thread in the mod section. If they want the mod to be playable online, it has to be uploaded to the mod uploader, and approved by a moderator.
This is to prevent buggy mods, or mods designed to farm credits, from being played online.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Can you approove my mod RockemSockemPunch. (I know, its a crappy name)

I don't farm I have lower than 50 win/lose ratio, 11 TC. I allready PMd you SKazz and Mr. poptart and posted a thread.

please approve or at least LOOK LIKE YOUR LISTENING. I feel Im being ignored *headshot*
- its been a while
Sorry dude, I've been experiencing connection trouble (damn student housing wireless connection BLAH!)...
As far as I know, the uploader hasn't been fixed yet. I've tested your mod, and I'll approve it as soon as the uploader works.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
ok, now its approved, so how do upload it?
whats the difference? they seem to be used interchangably

sorry if I asked this question allready on some other thread
- its been a while
You already uploaded it. Remember? When you added it to the mod uploader?
Now, it's approved. If the system were -working-, you'd be able to play it online. But it's not fixed yet.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack