lmfao... you crazy kids and your lingo for gaysex.

That makes it even more funny. I've just got the image of him randomly appearing and saying "coool dude can i but it?" then starts humping it.

If my sig wasn't full of stuff already I'd totally sig that sh*t.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Sep 8, 2009 at 08:47 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Originally Posted by NuggetsDeFrango View Post
sorry,for the double post,but i maked clan legs:

You little liar you! I made these anyone who was part of the unofficial Omega clan could tell you that. the one you posted goes on the biceps.

this one goes on the legs:

I can't believe you'd try to steal from a clan member...
Last edited by TomPaine; Sep 9, 2009 at 01:16 AM.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Hi there. The texture theft previously discussed here was reported.

You seem have to resolved the issue internally as a clan by applying your own penalty system within your clan, Arterial. That is fine. However if you would like normal texture theft penalties to be applied (temporary suspension), please PM me and let me know. Otherwise, I will considered this resolved. Thanks for your time.

I pm'ed Novitech about the textures TomPaine. He should be taking care of it now. I guarantee it wont happen again Any questions, just pm me
Arterial have u added my head texture to the clan texture shop?
can we use that bicep texture??

or thats just charter member stuff (LOL?)...
Last edited by fcpavao; Sep 9, 2009 at 04:31 PM.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
anyone in the clan can use the clan textures

you just cant say you made them yourself when theyre obviously not your original idea.

Toribash takes the plagiarism stuff kinda seriously. NuggetsDeFrango was given a 5 day ban because of the issue. I discussed it with Novitech via pm's to come about a penalty that would fit a small crime lol. The normal penalty is 1 month to a year but 5 days is plenty for this kinda thing.