Absolutely wonderful! Once [vibe] becomes official, we'll PM you for sure. No one can be vibin' without their license.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Amazing iLL!
/me hands iLL a waffle
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
After I activate his clan account, he can access to his clan control panel here.

That means I can also give the Co-Leader access to the control panel, doesn't it?

EDIT: I made some test:
Ldr[Hack]gerFight got kicked.
[HACk]gerFight got kicked.
[Hack-Leader] didn't get kicked.
But yeah, if you change it so everyone with "Hack" in the name would get kicked, people like "[anyclan]LoLHacker" will get kicked always xD

When I made my own server, I also got kicked, but there only appeared "Lost Contact" instead of Nirs warning and kicking me.
Not that I want it to get changed, I just wanted to let you know^^
Last edited by gerFight; Apr 19, 2010 at 06:44 PM.
Originally Posted by Winver View Post
Спасиба Илл))

Originally Posted by Morok View Post
Няшная шняжка )
Nice thing, bro!
hey, Huszti, You DAmn Stealer!

People please try to give us a translation if you`r going to post something in Russian.
Helge Sverre - System Developer
The problem with making it scan for the tag anywhere in the square brackets means that if you have ex: [lol] as a clantag, and another clan has [Trolol] then they could be kicked for not being in [lol].